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Menopause: How your body changes and what you can do

Menopause, affecting 1.2 billion women globally, increases health risks. Dr. Louise Newson advocates for proper menopause treatment and education, emp...

Menopause: Does diet play a part?

Menopause affects over half of the world's population, leading to severe symptoms like night sweats, bone loss, and heart problems. It is the 12-month...

9 longevity practices: Secrets of the blue zones with Dan Buettner

Dan Buettner, a National Geographic Fellow and leading Blue Zones researcher, discusses the concept of blue zones where people live the longest, empha...

Is exercise or nutrition more important for weight loss?

Low physical activity levels in older age increase disease risk and lower quality of life. UK government recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise o...

Is Dark Chocolate Good for Weight Loss?

Chocolate, valued for millennia, remains a topic of debate regarding its health and mood effects. Dark chocolate may be healthier than milk chocolate,...

Is dairy good or bad for you?

Dairy myths have been debunked, but new ones persist due to commercial interests. Dairy does not cause inflammation for most people, and it's not nece...

Is Coffee Healthy?

Coffee, with its long history and cultural significance, has evolved from being feared to being consumed in large quantities today. It offers potentia...

Introducing: ZOE Shorts

Jonathan Wolff and Dr. Sarah Berry have launched Zoe Shorts, a 15-minute podcast on nutrition science. The podcast covers topics such as saturated fat...

Inflammation and your gut: Expert guidance to improve your health

Chronic inflammation, linked to over 100 health conditions, is influenced by diet, lifestyle, and the gut microbiome. Consuming fiber-rich and ferment...

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