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Should you worry about gluten?

Dr. Bulsiewicz and Jonathan Wolff debunk fear mongering and myths about gluten, emphasizing its importance for food structure. Celiac disease requires...

Should you avoid late-night snacks? - The Big IF Dailies

Late night snacking, especially in the late evening, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and inflammation by disrupting the body's internal c...

Should we be worried about strep A?

Strep A bacterial infection is increasing, especially in children, and can lead to serious consequences. Testing for Strep A is crucial to inform pres...

Saturated fat: Monstrous or misunderstood?

Confusion about the health effects of fats is common due to conflicting media messages. Dietary fats are essential for energy, taste, and essential fa...

Resistance training: How to stay strong as you age

Muscle loss and strength decline begin in the 30s and 40s, leading to frailty and health risks in older age. Strength training is crucial for preventi...

Protein & exercise: The secrets of healthy aging?

Protein is crucial for maintaining muscle mass and preventing decline as we age. New scientific discoveries have debunked myths about protein timing a...

Protein: are you getting enough?

Protein intake should be based on the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) and is often lower than commonly believed. Excess protein is converted into ...

Processed foods - convenient or catastrophic?

Processed foods can vary from minimally processed to ultra-processed, impacting their healthiness. Altering food structure or adding ingredients can a...

Our ancestors’ diet: surprising discoveries from a 5000 year old iceman

Scientists have discovered a 5,000-year-old mummy in the Italian Alps, shedding light on the dietary choices and health of early European farmers. The...

Omega-3 supplements: why you're (probably) wasting your money

Omega-3, an essential fatty acid, is crucial for health and must be obtained through the diet. Oily fish and fish oil capsules are rich sources of ome...

Nightshade vegetables: hazard or health food?

Nightshade vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and eggplant contain alkaloids with both desirable and toxic effects. Concerns about gut damag...

Mushrooms as medicine: Uncovering the health secrets of fungi

Fungi, including mushrooms, are essential for decomposing wood, supporting plant life, and regulating the atmosphere. Psychedelic mushrooms containing...

'Miracle' weight loss drug Ozempic is approved. But does it work?

Azempic, a drug initially developed for type 2 diabetes, is gaining popularity for its weight loss effects due to the presence of semaglutide, which m...

Michael Mosley: 4 habits that changed his life

Lifestyle changes, including cold showers, saunas, breathing techniques, houseplants, varied exercise, and integrated exercise, can significantly impa...

Menopause: How your body changes and what you can do

Menopause, affecting 1.2 billion women globally, increases health risks. Dr. Louise Newson advocates for proper menopause treatment and education, emp...

Menopause: Does diet play a part?

Menopause affects over half of the world's population, leading to severe symptoms like night sweats, bone loss, and heart problems. It is the 12-month...

9 longevity practices: Secrets of the blue zones with Dan Buettner

Dan Buettner, a National Geographic Fellow and leading Blue Zones researcher, discusses the concept of blue zones where people live the longest, empha...

Is exercise or nutrition more important for weight loss?

Low physical activity levels in older age increase disease risk and lower quality of life. UK government recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise o...

Is Dark Chocolate Good for Weight Loss?

Chocolate, valued for millennia, remains a topic of debate regarding its health and mood effects. Dark chocolate may be healthier than milk chocolate,...

Is dairy good or bad for you?

Dairy myths have been debunked, but new ones persist due to commercial interests. Dairy does not cause inflammation for most people, and it's not nece...

Is Coffee Healthy?

Coffee, with its long history and cultural significance, has evolved from being feared to being consumed in large quantities today. It offers potentia...

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