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Summaries of Business Pathfinder podcast episodes

Discover the key insights and takeaways from each episode of the Business Pathfinder podcast. Engage with a variety of topics, stories, and discussions tailored to pique your interest and expand your understanding.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Bonus: Soul of the Business

The speaker discusses the diverse manifestations of workaholism and the unique personalities of businesses, emphasizing the importance of deep listening in understanding clients' needs. Vulnerability is highlighted as a means to connect with ideal clients and overcome limiting beliefs. Surrounding oneself with positive influences and practicing breathwork are recommended for personal growth and overcoming obstacles. The conversation delves into the concept of business as a portal to another world, prioritizing service over profit, and the transformative power of active imagination. The discussion also touches on the creative process, the significance of vulnerability, and the impact of surrounding oneself with the right influences. Additionally, the benefits of breathwork and the concept of Rage Club are explored. For more information, visit kristinmorrison.com to learn about the speaker and apply for coaching on the Business Pathfinder program.

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Bonus: Write Your Book!

Kristin Morrison and Rachie both found success in solo writing retreats, with Kristin writing 70% of her first book during two long weekend retreats. These retreats provided the perfect environment for creativity and focus, especially for writers seeking to avoid distractions. Working with an editor before completion can help authors shape their work and receive valuable feedback. Self-publishing offers more control over publication timing and distribution. Kristin's decision to write a business book was influenced by the desire to include relevant links in show notes. She offers workshops and bootcamps for aspiring writers and entrepreneurs on her website. Rachie made solo writing retreats a regular practice, finding inspiration in nature. The conversation has been great, and more information about the guest's work and links can be found at a specified location on kristinmorrison.com.

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Ep. 29: Active Imagination to Remove Blocks

Kristin Morrison is offering a 28-day business and life bootcamp for women, focusing on creating focus, intention, and work-life balance. Gabrielle practices Romi Romi, a traditional Māori deep pressure bodywork from New Zealand, and is guided by Kristin to overcome fear and implement new ideas. Living in alignment with our true selves leads to easier energy replenishment compared to being out of alignment. Gabrielle is led to a sacred lake in a visualization exercise, symbolizing a transition to a more playful and guiding presence. Kristin encourages Gabrielle to bring the playful, wild thing into the creation of new ventures through various symbolic actions and reflections. The ability to regenerate energy exists when living and working in alignment with our true selves, acknowledging clarity in decision-making, and recognizing the need for further exploration and understanding in the decision-making process. Gabrielle resonates with the idea of creating in her natural, creative way rather than forcing herself into a linear mold.

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Ep. 8: Analysis Paralysis

Corinne, the owner of Little Love Jar, seeks assistance in marketing and delegating tasks to reduce her workload. The business involves celebrating people with love-filled jars. Kristin Morrison suggests leveraging Instagram and emotional content to expand the audience. Corinne aims to boost sales, introduce new products, and increase brand awareness. Kristin offers to connect Corinne with a PR person for potential exposure on Oprah's show. Delegating tasks, social media consistency, and learning from others are highlighted for business success. Corinne is immersed in day-to-day tasks, hindering powerful marketing actions. The Little Love Jar involves purchasing a jar, inviting loved ones, and collecting messages to fill it with praise and memories. Kristin emphasizes the impact of the product and suggests featuring it on Oprah's show. Delegating tasks, social media consistency, and seeking an outside perspective are encouraged for business growth.

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Ep. 23: Because You're Worth It

Kristin Morrison advises Brianna to recognize her value and confidently set her prices. She emphasizes using affirmations and vision boards to inspire action and rewire the brain. Kristin guides Brianna through an affirmation exercise to ground her in the value she provides to clients. They discuss addressing Brianna's significantly higher pricing compared to competitors, considering pricing for the next six months, evaluating competitiveness, and offering 60-minute sessions based on market trends. Kristin encourages a case-by-case approach for clients and considering their expertise. Additionally, they assess the duration dogs can be left alone during the day.

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Ep. 44: Business Clarity

Liz, a trauma survivor and licensed clinical social worker, supports trauma survivors dealing with infertility and helps healthcare providers create trauma-informed practices for fertility patients. She emphasizes empowering women to take control of their fertility journeys and not solely rely on medical professionals. Energy and excitement levels fluctuate based on internal/external factors, impacting productivity. Highly sensitive individuals should avoid pushing themselves beyond their limits in the business environment. Conscious decision-making and seeking assistance in letting go of unnecessary burdens are crucial. Creating a master list for a visionary business and setting a date to let go of the old business are fundamental steps. Clarity, alignment, and tuning in before making big decisions are important for someone who is feeling-oriented. Liz has a broader interest in trauma-informed care and maternal mental health, supporting trauma-informed providers and creating a directory for them. The new venture is driven by deep feeling and empathy, emphasizing the importance of clarity and conscious decision-making.

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Ep. 27: Business Coaching to Find the Path Forward

Isabella seeks business coaching from Kristin to gain clarity on her business ideas despite facing mental health challenges and a lack of clarity. The session aims to extract Isabella's vision and support her in overcoming feeling stuck. Isabella envisions a day-long retreat with activities like tarot reading, dance meditation, journal prompts, and stretching, aiming for a mix of in-person and Zoom sessions. Kristin recommends practicing public speaking and joining speaking circles to improve relational presence and connection with the audience. Getting crystal clear on a niche is foundational for guiding marketing efforts and attracting the right customers. Isabella plans to offer life coaching, weight loss coaching, and draw from her teaching background to provide unconventional knowledge and awareness. Joining speaking circles helped a speaker overcome fear and nail a public speaking event in front of 300 people. Consider applying for coaching on the Business Pathfinder podcast by filling out a short application.

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Ep. 3: Business Owners Who Have Depression and Anxiety

Cora, who struggles with depression and anxiety, finds therapeutic value in working with animals and employs younger individuals facing similar issues. Kristin emphasizes seeking help from a medical professional for mental health challenges and acknowledges the importance of openly discussing them. Hiring an admin or virtual assistant can provide support during tough times and help the business run smoothly. Gratitude is expressed for Cora's openness about her struggles, and resources are available for those dealing with depression and anxiety. Kristin also acknowledges the importance of treating others with gentleness and respect, as we may not know the battles they are facing. Cora's willingness to openly share her experiences is remarkable, and listeners may consider setting up support systems like an admin assistant during challenging times. Resources are available for those dealing with depression and anxiety, and Kristin is filled with gratitude for Cora's willingness to share her story and experience.

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Ep. 49: Business Pivot

Stephanie, the founder of Chicago Urban Pets, is expanding her pet sitting business to include an online presence and affiliate marketing. She aims to offer valuable information through social media and email marketing, considering affiliate marketing for dog food subscriptions. Transparency in pet food offerings is crucial due to legal requirements. Stephanie feels a lack of time and resources, leading to a sense of inadequacy. Kristin advises her to embrace the 'I am enough-ness' and create a daily practice around it. Stephanie also seeks to create a new online business targeted at pet owners and has questions about logistics and balancing it with her in-person service business. The pandemic prompted her to integrate blogging and affiliate marketing into her pet sitting business, and she now plans to expand her online presence. Kristin suggests exploring Amazon affiliate marketing and seeking technical support. It's important for Stephanie to stay updated on pet food offerings and recalls, and she can find various service providers for her online business on the platform. Kristin encourages Stephanie to rest in the 'I am enough-ness' and create a daily practice around it.

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Ep. 33: Busywork Doesn't Result In Clients

Caitlin specializes in coaching overwhelmed moms on self-care and time management, offering one-on-one private coaching and group coaching programs. Trust-building and addressing the target audience's pain points are crucial for growing the coaching audience. To attract clients, she emphasizes the importance of identifying key skills for quick relief and clearly stating program benefits. Creating a three-tiered pricing and assuring a small time commitment can incentivize action. Caitlin's personal experiences and natural inclination towards motherhood drive her focus on targeting moms. Niche marketing, such as 'think happy for moms,' is recommended for specific and effective messaging. Trust can take time, as evidenced by some clients taking years to engage in coaching. Providing relief for the target audience's struggles is key to establishing credibility and growing the audience. Offering early bird pricing and emphasizing a small time commitment can drive client action. It's advised to niche down to moms and evaluate success over a year.

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Ep. 9: Call Your Spirit Back

Channeling energy from mundane tasks into containment on specific days and times is crucial for business owners working from home. Creating a personalized schedule, delegating tasks, and setting specific timelines can help conserve energy and prevent chaos. Using technology as a tool, maintaining a balance with social media, and delegating certain tasks can prevent feeling overwhelmed and conserve energy. Adapting strategies to work with one's own brain processes is essential for effectiveness. Business owners should prioritize their own needs over accommodating clients to prevent resentment and emotional meltdowns. Chaotic schedules and negative thinking can lead to energy drains and feelings of inadequacy. It's crucial to maintain control over social media and not let it consume one's energy.

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Ep. 52: Childhood Trauma and Compulsive Ambition

The episode delves into trauma's impact on the nervous system and compulsive overworking, emphasizing the use of busyness and productivity to mask pain. It highlights achieving greatness through working through trauma and inner work, stressing the importance of addressing childhood trauma and its impact on anxiety. Daily exercise and self-care practices are emphasized. Kristin Morrison's interest in Ibad's business and scheduling future sessions is noted, along with their discussion on childhood experiences and the impact on creating valuable things. The individual expresses gratitude and a desire to explore perfectionism in more detail, planning to schedule the next session. They encourage listeners to apply for coaching on the podcast and wish them well.

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Ep. 32: Communication Matters

Blaine's firm, Progress Wealth Management, targets late-career tech professionals and founders through SEO, Dave Ramsey leads, and LinkedIn prospecting. Despite facing challenges due to his age and appearance, Kristin suggests that Blaine's age could be an advantage in connecting with young tech founders. She advises him to attend events to build relationships with potential clients and continue targeting both smaller and larger clients. Blaine emphasizes the importance of providing personalized and expert advice, understanding client goals, and effective communication. He faces challenges in attracting larger clients but focuses on delivering high-quality service. Kristin emphasizes the importance of language and communication style in sales, especially with business owners and entrepreneurs. It's crucial to consider clients' stress and perspective, ask questions, and be open and honest about feedback. Self-employment often requires more than 10 hours of work per week and may create a sense of scarcity.

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Ep. 48: Convert Website Viewers to Customers

Elliot seeks sales and marketing guidance for creative individuals, aiming to convert potential customers to paying ones. He plans to offer free sessions initially, followed by email incentives and time boundaries. Kristin suggests offering packages for commitment and reducing follow-ups. Elliot emphasizes the need for a system to manage follow-ups and scheduling, incorporating breath exercises and addressing psychological blocks. Kristin recommends a dedicated website using Carrd and invites listeners to join a 28-day Business & Life Boot Camp. Elliot struggles with charging for services and aims to create a business vibe with a touch of 'woo'. He discusses the unique benefits of his sessions and the need for a seamless registration and purchasing process. Kristin emphasizes the importance of a separate hub for Project Lab and Project Navigator, suggesting Carrd for quick and affordable one-page websites. She also appreciates Elliot's participation in coaching sessions and encourages sharing the podcast with potential beneficiaries.

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Ep. 1: Create a Schedule You Love

Donna, a 60-year-old woman, struggles to balance work, family, and pets, but aims to prioritize herself and her loved ones. Taking a break from social media has positively impacted Donna and Kristin's lives, leading to increased connection with others. Kristin advises Donna to set boundaries with clients, prioritize her well-being, and avoid overcommitting. The podcast focuses on relatable coaching sessions, emphasizing self-awareness and self-care, with future plans for bonus update episodes and videos featuring coaching clients. Donna aims to cap her daily jobs at six to eight, avoid working evenings, and take weekends off. Kristin encourages Donna to communicate her new schedule to clients, practice saying no, and avoid promising changes in the future. The podcast also emphasizes shifting the focus away from external motivators like money and measuring success by personal standards. Additionally, there are plans for a Patreon account offering bonus update episodes and videos featuring coaching clients.

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Ep. 56. Create an International Following

Veronica is a soul reader and spiritual coach, specializing in intuitive readings and light language singing. She aims to reach an international audience with her light language songs and workshops, offering live sessions on social media platforms and workshops on abundance and soul vision. Her personal experience with light language helped her overcome depression and low self-esteem. Veronica has a soul healing business and is a singer, aspiring to share her light language songs globally. She feels a strong connection to divine energy during soul readings and singing light language, and offers workshops incorporating light language and singing. Veronica's desire for an international audience may stem from her family's history, and she is excited about the podcast and encourages others to apply for coaching sessions. The podcast offers coaching opportunities through a simple application process, and most challenges are a good fit for it.

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Ep. 28: Create Business Opportunities

Kristin Morrison has launched a new online course, 28 Day Business and Life Boot Camp for Badass Women, focusing on business and life balance for women. The course aims to help business owners transition from confusion and overwhelm to a business and life reset. Julie Zaruba, a part-time business owner and full-time employee, seeks to avoid burnout and align her business with her core values. Julie spends about 10 hours a week on her business, including email communication, content creation, and workshop facilitation. Both Kristin and Julie are adjusting to time differences, with Kristin currently in California and Julie expressing her love for Hawaii. Julie's workshop is virtual and will be recorded for future sale, and she should prioritize identifying her current pursuits and expanding her professional network.

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Ep. 35: Create Intentional Business Growth

Andrew, a hypnotherapist, has assisted 4,000 individuals in 80 countries with various challenges using hypnotherapy. He aims to transition to full-time hypnotherapy, updating his website with a personal story to attract clients. As the top-rated hypnotist in a small area, he instantly attracts clients for issues like IBS and trouble sleeping. Andrew uses Best Year Yet software to guide clients in creating impactful goals for a balanced life. He plans to emphasize his personal experience with hypnosis on platforms like TikTok and Instagram to reach a wider audience. Despite practicing hypnosis part-time, he gains clients through networking, social media, and blog posts. Andrew also utilizes email communication and constructive tips to demonstrate his ability to help potential clients, ultimately leading to bookings. He believes in the empowering nature of goal setting for creating the desired life and business.

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Ep. 2: Cultivate Authentic Online Presence

Adam, a money coach, is advised by Kristin to approach his writing from a place of inspiration and authenticity. Kristin recommends re-cultivating the practice of morning pages to explore and write about the pleasure he feels in managing money. Differentiating between fear and sharing personal experiences is crucial for creative inspiration. Utilizing platforms like Coach.me and Focusmate, as well as finding an accountability partner, can help in staying motivated and accountable. Kristin emphasizes marketing from a place of inspiration and authenticity. Adam agrees and finds it helpful. Kristin advises replacing 'marketing' with 'thoughts, feelings, experiences' for better audience connection. Morning pages involve writing thoughts and feelings in the morning for mental decluttering and creativity. Utilize to-do lists, Coach.me, and accountability partners for progress tracking. Kristin suggests finding an accountability buddy in the outer circle, emphasizing communication and self-employment understanding.

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Ep. 20: Delegate for a Better Work Life

Susan, a beekeeper and owner of Burden Bee Hawaii, runs a small farm, teaches beekeeping classes, and sells beekeeping equipment. She also operates a bird rescue with over 50 birds and is seeking help for social media, farm shop duties, and property maintenance. The business, located on a five-acre farm, educates beekeepers, sells bee equipment, rescues bees, and offers tours. Challenges in finding and retaining employees have been faced as the business grows, and the owner is open to various forms of assistance. The store is the only one in Hawaii dedicated to bee equipment, offering niche products for beekeepers. Susan is looking for assistance with updating her website and social media, maintaining apiary equipment, and providing customer service. The work involves interacting with clients, building and painting boxes, and spending valuable time with customers. Additionally, the business offers farm tours and beekeeping products, and Susan is open to coaching and delegating tasks to others.

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Ep. 37: Delegate in Your Business

Amy struggles with self-reflection and phone usage monitoring, finding it difficult to delegate and let go of control in her business, leading to burnout. Kristin advises emphasizing a thorough hiring process and seeking high-quality candidates. Concerns about Amy's daughter getting insurance are raised, with Kristin suggesting working from home to make extra money. The importance of taking breaks to prevent burnout is highlighted, along with the recommendation to start a new admin person as a pet sitter before moving into an admin role. Self-care activities like staycation and pedicure are recommended to combat burnout. Overall, the focus is on addressing delegation challenges, hiring qualified staff, and prioritizing self-care to achieve a better work-life balance.

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Ep. 17: Expand the Business

Gabrielle, recovering from a hysterectomy, aims to expand her pet-based business and move out of her parents' home. She plans to create a separate website for her pet treat business and trademark the name 'Treat Your Pets'. Kristin advises seeking a trademark attorney as the process takes about a year and may require legal assistance. Managing endometriosis requires staying active, eating healthy, and seeking community support, while inflammatory foods can significantly impact daily activities. Gabrielle's primary service is overnight pet sitting, and she sells pet treats. She intends to develop a separate website specifically for her pet treat business. Kristin envisions 'Treat Your Pets' as a nationwide brand and suggests trademarking the business name. Staying active, eating healthy, and seeking community support are crucial for managing endometriosis, while managing mental illness adds complexity to daily routines. It is recommended to get a trademark attorney to help with the process, which should be completed within the next couple of weeks.

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Ep. 25: Explore Entrepreneurship

Kristin Morrison is offering a 28-day business and life boot camp to help business owners focus on income-producing activities and personal self-care. Cindy Ann, a successful businesswoman, aims to transition her passions into an entrepreneurial venture, including motivational speaking and mentoring women. Her speaking engagements have attracted significant interest, with 102 LinkedIn requests received after a recent event. Kristin recommends Cindy-Ann explore Speaking Circles to enhance her relational presence during speaking engagements. The boot camp is designed to achieve balance in both business and personal life. Cindy-Ann emphasizes the importance of being a relatable and authentic leader, mentoring her team to create an open and respectful work environment. The community within speaking circles can lead to meaningful connections between speakers and the audience. The boot camp offers an opportunity for business owners to focus on income-producing activities and personal life balance.

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Ep. 4: Fast-Track Passive Income and Platform Building

Shira, a busy therapist and mother, is expanding her practice by creating a course with audio and video modules. She prefers audio for flexibility and plans to offer the visual part as a short video on her website. Kristin suggests including a PDF booklet and transcribing the audio content into a book. Shira is recording different versions of the course and considering hiring a narrator. She emphasizes infusing written words with personal energy and advises on proofreading and editing. The progression of distribution for the book can start with the printed book, followed by the e-book, then the audio book, and finally the online course. Shira needs to delegate the creation of new items to align with her values and create more income. The course will include recorded audio modules and two video modules for visual aids. Shira has received good feedback for the visual presentation, which includes a kinetic component and dramatic enactment of the psyche. She prefers audio modules over all video due to the flexibility of listening while doing other activities. Kristin recommends transcribing the audio content to create a book and suggests including a PDF booklet with links and further information if the course is put on Audible. Shira has hired a fairly new audio book narrator and utilized a transcription program along with Dropbox to capture live energy and transmission in the spoken content. Emphasizing the importance of infusing written words with personal energy, Shira advises on proofreading and editing, and highlights the need to specify word count when posting an ad on Upwork. She also emphasizes the importance of creating an outline for the course and selecting the best articulator for the message. Finally, she stresses the importance of reviewing existing transcripts and getting the next versions transcribed, as well as working well in partnership with the reviewer.

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Ep. 54: Fear of Making a Mistake

Kristin Morrison emphasizes the importance of being of service and providing assistance to others, aiming to help Rachel, a banking lender, overcome fear and imposter syndrome in real estate transactions and rental properties. Rachel plans to prioritize the CRM, break down tasks into smaller steps, and use Focusmate for daily check-ins to overcome procrastination and achieve her goals. As a real estate professional, Rachel aims to increase her passive income to $4,000 a month. She grapples with fear and imposter syndrome but acknowledges her support system and ability to pivot if something goes wrong. Kristin suggests using an accountability buddy and recommends using Focusmate for virtual co-working to support Rachel. Additionally, there is a need to focus on developing systems and processes for more consistency in business operations, and to shift mindset when considering speaking engagements and reaching out to contacts. Rachel plans to create a habit around using the CRM and aims for 10 entries a day, utilizing Focusmate for daily check-ins to provide a sense of accomplishment and overcome procrastination.

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Ep. 41: Financial Clarity, Self-Esteem and Confidence

Kristen needs to track her business and personal expenses to understand her monthly financial needs and set a stretch goal for her income. Recognizing the root cause of her challenges is crucial for making lasting change in Kristen's life. Kristen manages her newfound freedom and anxiety through self-care practices like yoga and dog walking. The client base consists of individuals at four different rates due to a lack of rate adjustments over a seven-year period. The area is experiencing growth, with an influx of people requiring services, particularly from those with higher income. The prevailing median rate for boarding services among larger businesses with an online presence is around $50 per night. The main points to include in the spreadsheet are the names of competitors, the services they offer, and the prices they charge. Consider adjusting rates for future pet sitting based on the needs of the pets.

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Ep. 38: Financial Concerns and Starting a New Business

Crystal's favorite episode of the Business Pathfinder podcast featured the founder of Little Love Jar, a company that compiles messages of love and hope into a jar for a loved one. Facing challenges with the delivery of a Little Love Jar for her uncle, Crystal extended the deadline for messages and completed the task during a European cruise. After moving to Phoenix, she aimed to turn pet sitting into a business, with a new focus on the human-feline bond. Advised by Kristin Morrison, she considered purchasing a domain name, creating a book and podcast related to the human-feline bond, and exploring online courses. Concerned about the financial transition, Kristin emphasized managing worry and conscious sleep practices. Crystal also sought to make her cat, Kara, more comfortable and was advised to have a conversation with her husband about sleep needs. Kristin encouraged adding stillness to her morning spiritual practice and verbalizing worries. The episode highlighted the importance of setting boundaries, having relaxed conversations, and embracing bravery. Kristin invited listeners to engage with the podcast through voicemails and join the Business Pathfinder Facebook group.

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Ep 34: Goodbye to the People Pleaser Business Owner

Kristin Morrison is leading a 28-day Business and Life Bootcamp for Badass Women, requiring 33 minutes a day on average. Marie, a former paramedic turned product-based business owner in Oahu, is facing burnout and a lack of creativity in her business tasks. Kristin advised Marie to set boundaries, avoid falling back into old patterns, and transition from impulse giving to conscious giving. It's important for Marie to avoid giving products away for free, protect her business, and maintain a healthy profit margin. The 28-day Business & Life Boot Camp is currently open for sign-ups.

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Ep. 11: Hire the Right Employees and Independent Contractors

Angelica, a housecleaning business owner for almost six years, aims to hire more staff to alleviate the workload for her long-time employee. Trustworthiness is paramount, with qualities like honesty, admitting mistakes, and avoiding theft being crucial. To find new hires, Angelica plans to leverage personal and professional networks, platforms like Craigslist and Nextdoor, and ensure compliance with labor laws. She seeks to prioritize her mental and physical health and family time while showing appreciation for her current helper. Kristin advised Angelica to take immediate action in finding additional help and to express gratitude to her current employee. Additionally, Angelica is open to hiring non-native English speakers and is considering learning Spanish to expand the pool of potential applicants. Overall, Angelica is focused on growing her business in a healthy manner and ensuring the well-being of her employees.

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Ep. 36: How to Detach from Worry and the Business Phone

Amy struggles with detaching from her phone and business, leading to exhaustion. Kristin suggests a morning practice for grounding and emphasizes the importance of being present with Amy's puppy as a form of meditation. They discuss the need to consciously release stress and worry through visualization and breathing exercises. Detaching from worry and the phone is crucial for managing business effectively. Creating a gentle morning practice without the phone, incorporating a coffee making ritual and focusing on breathing, is recommended. Listeners are invited to find relief from worry and detach from their phones through coaching or sharing feedback. Amy explores how to detach from worry and her phone during the coaching session. More information about Amy and the impact of the coaching session can be found on kristinmorson.com/podcast36. Listeners are encouraged to apply to be coached on the Business Pathfinder podcast or leave a voicemail to share their feedback.

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Ep. 31: Hyper-Independence and I'm All Alone

Kristin Morrison is organizing a 28-day Business & Life Bootcamp for women, focusing on work-life balance and daily habits. During a coaching session, Alex, a software engineer turned entrepreneur, discussed her Tech Club membership, challenges in sustaining projects, and the impact of childhood wounds on her business and personal life. Kristin emphasized the importance of addressing childhood trauma's impact on adult life and business, offering a trigger warning for sensitive topics. Alex struggles with losing momentum, scarcity mentality, and loneliness, seeking relief through breathwork. Kristin highlighted the impact of past trauma on feelings of loneliness and imposter syndrome, suggesting breathwork as a way to address stuck energy. Alex is open to seeking guidance and considering working with a skilled Polish breathwork practitioner for a single in-person session. The session also revealed Alex's struggles with burnout and the need to dismantle the heavy badges of honor. Kristin expressed her desire for Alex to be part of the upcoming Bootcamp, offering an early bird price for participation.

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Ep. 19: Increase Your Visibility

Albert, a teacher and founder of a creative writing school, aims to boost confidence and attract consistent leads and revenue. His strategies include targeting a minimum of four new program participants monthly, offering a discounted workbook, establishing a formal referral program, and revisiting 'The Artist's Way' by Julia Cameron. Albert emphasizes the importance of reflecting on student gratitude to create a referral script and advocates for consistent reminders and marketing efforts to encourage referrals. Utilizing Facebook Live for credibility, repurposing content for YouTube, and celebrating creative brilliance are key. The school's mission is to remind people that their voices matter and to give voice to personal and collective political vision. Albert also focuses on creating social proof through testimonials and becoming a more courageous marketer. Modeling good student behavior and showcasing client success are essential. To apply for coaching, visit kristinmorsen.com/podcast19.

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Ep. 10: Job Breakup and Transcending Ageism

Sasha's inner struggle arises from her previous job ending in a personalized layoff, leading to feelings akin to a bad breakup. Kristin advises seeking companies that value her qualities and align with her values, such as startups embracing creativity. Age discrimination and a shift in company culture also affected Sasha. She prioritizes sustainability and mission alignment in her next job and is urged to create a list of job must-haves. The importance of company culture and people's niceness in job attraction is emphasized. Analyzing negative beliefs from the breakup, flipping them for personal growth, and taking action are crucial. Acknowledging the impact of the job loss and reframing it as an opportunity for growth is advised before pursuing a new job.

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Ep. 7: Making Friends with the Food Business

Yvonne is torn between her passion for herbal healing and the financial demands of her tea and food business. Kristin suggests reframing the food business as a way to help people and offers recommendations like promoting herbal consultations, creating a laminated menu, and hiring for a monthly newsletter. Maintaining a positive mindset towards the business's financial aspect is crucial. Yvonne feels disappointed that she can't focus solely on her passion but recognizes the need to prioritize financially supporting aspects. Kristin encourages finding joy in the financial aspect and emphasizes the importance of effective marketing for passion projects. Attention and support are needed for all parts of the business, and temporary delegation of tasks can allow focus on passions. Overall, mindset work and mental hygiene are necessary to manage frustration or resentment towards the main source of income.

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Ep. 40: Mental Hygiene

Kristin Morrison started a successful pet-sitting and dog-walking business in her 20s, eventually selling it after hiring over 250 employees. She transitioned to coaching pet business owners and expanded to coaching all types of business owners, starting the 'Prosperous Pet Business' podcast and later a coaching podcast for all business owners. Emphasizing work-life balance and inner work, such as active meditations, Morrison found success in including video clips of her coaching sessions on social media. The pandemic has opened people up to talk about their challenges and stop striving for perfection. Podcasting offers intimacy and connection, with Morrison infusing life coaching with business coaching and incorporating inner work into her coaching sessions. She discusses the importance of including video clips of her podcast on social media to provide a visual element and give people a quick taste of the coaching sessions.

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Ep 45: Money Hang-ups

May runs a nonprofit providing financial coaching for people with limited resources, particularly those with neurodivergent conditions. She also works as a sole trader offering private coaching. May grapples with the idea of charging for her services, especially for those in need, and struggles with paying herself a low salary. She faces challenges with eligibility for benefits, raising a child, and the need to increase household income quickly. May is advised to raise her coaching rates and acknowledge the value she brings to people. She considers a subsidized model for her private work or integrating it into the nonprofit to fund and subsidize its work. May feels guilty about paying herself a low salary and worries that financial stability may hinder her ability to relate to her clients. Additionally, May provides therapeutic money guidance, especially to survivors of domestic abuse, and is encouraged to rest and recalibrate despite discomfort. She also runs a nonprofit called a community interest company, focusing on financial coaching and education for those with limited financial resources, and specializes in supporting people with neurodivergent conditions like ADHD or anxiety.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 30: Navigate Transitions

Kristin Morrison coaches Audra, who struggles with messaging on social media for her two coaching businesses. The session emphasizes the importance of congruent messaging with one's deepest self to attract the right audience. Audra is advised to share stories of her own experiences, particularly focusing on trauma and transition, to offer valuable insights and inspiration. Kristin highlights the significance of self-grace and no longer being a victim of circumstances. Small transitions can lead to big transformations and trigger grief, often not talked about. Accepting the present reality is crucial in healing from trauma. Trauma meditation and body awareness are essential for navigating trauma. Authentic and vulnerable messaging can lead to positive exposure for businesses. Audra learns to embrace her new normal and the importance of self-grace. The session concludes with a focus on sharing experiences authentically to inspire others.

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Ep. 5: Pause the Hustle

Scaling a business demands intense focus, time, and energy. Prioritizing self-care and setting boundaries is crucial to avoid burnout. Simple self-care activities, such as morning pages and exercise, can lead to increased energy and motivation. Committing to self-care activities for at least a month can help in flourishing, especially when scaling a business. Andrea, scaling her real estate business, is struggling with time management and scheduling while working from home with a seven and a half month old baby and a puppy. Kristin emphasizes the importance of prioritizing self-care and setting boundaries to avoid burnout. Taking time for oneself, like going on a walk without a phone, can facilitate inner clarity and restoration. Having alone time in nature can help in finding what is needed by listening to oneself. The speaker encourages setting aside time for oneself, prioritizing self-care, and listening to one's internal voice. It's important to make time for oneself and prioritize wellbeing in order to thrive in life.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 6: Pregnant with a Business Project

Robyn, a prop stylist in New York City, is working on a book titled 'Styling Beyond Instagram' to teach prop styling and business growth. Her target audience includes individuals aiming to start or expand their prop styling business. Kristin suggested creating an online course on platforms like Udemy and a Facebook group to engage with the audience. Recommendations for technical aspects of recording courses include using the Prompt Smart app, good lights, and a lavalier mic. Preorders for the book can significantly impact its success, and including the Facebook group link in the book is advised. Rest and self-care are emphasized by Kristin Morrison, who also offers coaching sessions on her podcast. Kristin advises Robin to use the Prompt Smart app for teleprompting, and recommends getting good lights and a lavalier mic for recording courses. Including the Facebook group link in the book is recommended, as preorders can have significant impacts on various aspects. Kristin Morrison encourages embracing excitement and energy, while also allowing time for rest.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 21: Pricing Your Services

Pam is considering hiring massage therapists for her company and evaluating her pricing strategy. She currently charges $125 for a 75-minute massage and offers a package deal tailored to locals and workers. To avoid providing services for free and expending energy without compensation, she needs to raise package rates. Kristin advises Pam to raise rates, communicate the increase to clients, and prioritize her well-being. This is crucial for improving her bottom line profit margin and attracting a new level of clientele. Pam is at a crossroads, deciding between continuing as a solo practitioner or expanding her business by hiring other therapists. She also recognizes the need to evaluate her current pricing strategy, taking into account the location and clientele she serves. Long-time clients will be grandfathered in, but the rate increase should ideally apply to clients who have been with the service provider for a year or more. Raising rates is essential for Pam to improve her financial flexibility and balance meeting financial needs with sustaining current client relationships.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 14: Project Postpartum

Miriam, a PhD candidate, seeks career clarity in the creative arts and mentoring. Kristin advises nurturing creativity and addressing underlying emotions. Embracing grief and closure is crucial for project progress. Supervisors' timing clarity is essential for finishing by year-end. Coaching involves stepping back and embracing vulnerability. Miriam desires to continue in the creative arts, mentorship, and education. Kristin emphasizes nurturing creativity for energy. A break is needed post-project to address emotions. Kristin suggests relaxation and facing fears. Closure and rest are crucial for internal struggles. Clearing emotional barriers is vital for progress. Supervisors' timing clarity is crucial for project completion. Letting go of preconceived ideas is essential. Coaching involves stepping back and encouraging vulnerability. Acknowledgment of Miriam's presence is expressed. Encouragement to share the podcast is given.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 18: Protect Mental Health and Prioritize Self-Care

Deep breathing calms the nervous system and creates spaciousness within oneself. Nourishing the body with fruits, vegetables, greens, healthy fats, and whole foods promotes well-being and supports pursuing visions and goals. Articulating deep feelings and needs, and connecting with others, can be empowering and impactful in personal and professional endeavors. Focusing on the breath as a guide and stress reliever, and providing the body with essential nutrients, fosters freedom, well-being, and the ability to pursue visions and dreams. Key foods include fruits, vegetables, greens, healthy fats, and whole foods. Calming the mental state and articulating needs are crucial for personal growth. Connecting with vendors and creating a compelling website are essential for business success.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 26: PTSD Around Business Burnout

Nancy, a licensed therapist, transitioned to become an executive coach for a better work-life balance. Struggling with marketing herself, she sought guidance from Kristin Morrison, who advised her to address internal conflicts before taking further business actions. Morrison helped Nancy confront feelings of inadequacy and fear of burnout, encouraging physical and mental exercises for self-liberation. Listeners can access coaching opportunities and additional resources on the Business Pathfinder podcast and Kristen Morrison's website. Nancy expressed her challenges in self-motivation for marketing and reaching out to existing therapy clients. Morrison highlighted the potential fear of burnout and internal conflicts, guiding Nancy to address these before taking further business actions. To apply for coaching on the Business Pathfinder podcast, visit kristenmorrison.com/podcast26 and find the link to the Facebook group for Business Pathfinder listeners on the show notes page.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep: 50: Release the Overwhelm

Stephanie, a busy professor and business owner, is feeling overwhelmed by adding a new passion project to her schedule. She has shifted her social media focus to business accomplishments and seeks guidance on prioritizing and reducing overwhelm. Kristin encourages her to assess her eagerness for the new venture and make space for it. Balancing time and financial stability requires careful planning and reevaluating current activities. An invitation is extended to join the 28-day Business & Life Bootcamp for Badass Women, offering a goal-setting workshop and the opportunity to meet business owners from around the world.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 39: Remove Financial Scarcity Blocks

Kristin Morrison guides artist Becky in embracing her authentic self and unleashing her creativity. Becky struggles with finding her style due to childhood influences and societal pressure. Morrison advises cultivating a relationship with paintings, engaging in nonverbal communication, and using breath work and active imagination to tap into creativity. Becky's need for authenticity and self-love is emphasized, stemming from childhood experiences and her mother's influence. Morrison encourages playfulness, exploration, and discipline in writing to unleash creativity. Authenticity serves as a guiding light, and reconnecting with the carefree nature of childhood is encouraged. Embracing the nurturing inner self and spending time in nature are highlighted. The importance of gratitude, imagination, and feeling surrounded by a loving presence is emphasized for personal and artistic growth.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 13: State of Grace

Grace launched State of Grace pies in Hawaii during lockdown, offering wholesome pies as an alternative income source. She aims to expand her business to the mainland, focusing on savory pies and grocery store distribution. In three years, she plans to have a trained crew, transition from sole pie maker to overseeing a team, and establish her own kitchen. Grace also intends to duplicate select pies to reduce reliance on farmer's market income. She discusses exploring different kitchen spaces, the concept of ghost kitchens, and the importance of community service. Kristin emphasizes the need to interview people with ghost kitchen experience, maintain a positive vision, and prioritize rest for business growth. Both stress the importance of balance and embodying grace in daily life.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 42. Support for the Overwhelmed Business Owner

Samantha, an attorney, faced challenges after her virtual assistant company went out of business, leaving her overwhelmed and stuck. She founded Inline Legal to support first-generation creatives and entrepreneurs, initially offering retainer packages. The firm transitioned to helping people register their intellectual property and building a template store for newer entrepreneurs. Samantha plans to focus on existing clients and reset in the new year, emphasizing the need for a new virtual assistant with strong relationship-building skills. Kristin Morrison advises prioritizing finding a new virtual assistant, assessing tasks for delegation, and exploring automation options to reduce the mental load. The coaching session emphasizes the importance of visualizing the future, networking, and clearing the slate to focus on business goals. Automation is highlighted as crucial for efficiency and productivity, with the loss of automation assistance leading to frustration and challenges. Samantha's struggle with hiring individuals directly or using agencies is discussed, with a focus on automating tasks to create a more manageable to-do list.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 51: Sustainable Success

Stephanie's focus on 'making space' involves letting go of unnecessary tasks and reevaluating time spent on social media. She emphasizes the importance of releasing tasks to make space for joy and evaluating the necessity of each task. Taking deep breaths and stopping, even when feeling passionate, is essential. The speaker encourages identifying small action steps towards acknowledging and nurturing one's passion. Feeling energized in a safe place positively impacts mental, physical, and emotional health. Words are powerful and can set one up for defeat, so it's important to ask if tasks are truly necessary and how to make them enjoyable. High achievers and overworkers need to prioritize conscious actions over compulsive overworking. The speaker emphasizes the need to let life, business, and soul speak, erasing the metaphorical straitjacket for a fresh approach to life.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep 12: The Artist Business Owner

Delisa, an artist and business owner, seeks a new art space to sell her art and build a community with other artists. Kristin, a coach, advises Delisa to create art representing the flow she desires and emphasizes the importance of a spiritual approach to marketing. Delisa is open to a cooperative art space and focuses on attracting the right studio naturally. Kristin encourages Delisa to trust the natural re-emergence process and to be kind to herself, suggesting active imagination to understand her inner critic. The coaching session highlights the combination of logic and creativity in Delisa's approach, aiming for an effortless flow in the next stage of her life. Delisa's art studio is located in Marin County, California. To find out about Delisa's progress after the coaching session, visit the show notes page at kristinmorrison.com/podcast12.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 47: The Creative Introvert

Elliot, a marketing professional, offers services like Project Lab and Project Navigator to help individuals with creative business ideas. His business targets introverted individuals with deep thinking qualities, focusing on practical skills in business, marketing, and overcoming the fear of being seen. The Project Lab offers a gym-like experience using case studies and one-on-one interactions to aid career progress. Elliot provides coaching through discovery calls and project navigator calls, incorporating a meditation component. He plans to engage in a part two of the current conversation and offers coaching sessions on the podcast and a 28-day business and life boot camp for women. The boot camp is an interactive workshop for women business owners worldwide, focusing on income-producing activities, project work, and self-care.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 43: The Highly Creative Business Owner

Nicole, a creator and implementer, struggles with focus and gaining traction for her business, which focuses on personality communication and healthy belonging. Her upcoming goals include launching a subscription, website, trainings, board game, and matching games, targeting at least 50 subscribers for in-depth training. Kristin Morrison advises Nicole to prioritize self-care, identify exciting projects, and use Upwork to find an inclusive and ADA compliant website developer. Nicole's business has faced setbacks in recording trainings and creating accurate surveys, leading to branding and social media challenges. She aims to help people uncover their true selves and effectively communicate their needs, particularly in a time of widespread isolation and disconnection. Nicole's TED Talks cover various aspects of belonging, and she emphasizes the importance of love, belonging, and self-acceptance. Kristin emphasizes the importance of passion and enthusiasm in driving Nicole's work forward, and encourages her to tie up loose ends for a feeling of peace and groundedness as she moves forward.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 53: Transform Perfectionism

Coaching session with Abad emphasizes self-reflection, awareness of compulsivity, overworking, and stress. Focus on finding inner direction, validation, and continuous progress rather than seeking external approval or perfectionism. Discussion on trust, impact of past experiences on relationships, self-awareness, mindfulness, and nurturing relationships. Compassion towards oneself and the younger self is highlighted. Trauma, productivity, and ways to avoid pain are discussed in the conversation with Ebaad. The session is described as a conversation with shared thoughts, changes, and awarenesses. Trust, attachment, and the importance of valuing relationships are also addressed. The experience is likened to a tennis rally, where learning is compared to bouncing things back and forth.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 15: Transition In-Person Business to Online Business

Karma, a Lamaze trained birth class instructor, seeks coaching to grow her online birth classes business and attract more clients. The coaching session covers effective business growth steps, including using Instagram and hashtags while being mindful of social media's addictive nature. With 37 years of experience, Lamaze aims to empower women by offering small, personal birth classes and addressing common fears on her website. She also wants to support partners during childbirth and is advised to create a pamphlet with local testimonials and explore creating a podcast to reach a wider audience. It's suggested to repurpose video content into a podcast, use specific keywords and hashtags for discoverability, and be mindful of social media usage for business purposes. The importance of offering a service that brings peace and the value of experience in running a business are emphasized. Karma offers online birth classes and coaching, with updates available on kristenmorrison.com/podcast15. Best Year Yet coaching sessions are available to create powerful business and life goals. VIP coaching sessions are offered in the Big Island of Hawaii and Marin County, California.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 55: Turn Sales Calls Into Clients

Mercedes, a PR expert, specializes in helping coaches and entrepreneurs gain publicity and revenue through coaching. Challenges include converting discovery calls into clients and locking in interested clients, addressed by keeping conversations short and powerful, focusing on emotions, and adopting a 'go-giver' approach. Networking is powerful for creating connections, and testimonials from clients gaining PR can be impactful. Publicity brings credibility and should focus on being of service. Financial sustainability is crucial, with discounts and time-limited promotions attracting clients. Specific outlets for publicity are not guaranteed, emphasizing the importance of service and avoiding ego or fear dominating conversations. Mercedes acquires clients through word of mouth and networking, offering one-on-one coaching and planning to expand to group coaching. Testimonials should address time and energy saved, value seen, and experience working with media outlets. Being generous and financially sustainable is key, with the need to push people to make their own decisions and provide payment platform links. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being of service and avoiding ego or fear in conversations.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 24: What Can You Let Go of Today?

Business owners are advised to evaluate their to-do lists and delegate or remove tasks to free up time. Creating a list of qualities for an ideal workspace and considering lease terms is recommended. Prioritizing self-care and setting clear goals for workload and work-life balance are emphasized. Virtual assistants from platforms like Upwork can help delegate tasks, while shortening work hours and tracking results for personal growth are suggested. It's important to identify tasks that can be let go of and empower oneself by evaluating the to-do list. Delegating time-consuming or unenjoyable tasks is encouraged, and finding a right-hand person to handle tedious tasks can be beneficial. Additionally, using sheets instead of paper for a more comfortable environment during appointments is suggested. Overall, business owners are urged to prioritize self-care and consider delegating tasks to focus on more important matters.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Ep. 16: 13-Year-Old Entrepreneur

Ari, a 13-year-old entrepreneur, runs a successful dog gift basket business with family support. Despite bullying, he remains focused on making the production process more efficient and scalable. His unique story has attracted attention, leading to plans for a professional website, interviews, and shipping options. Business coach Kristin Morrison is impressed and willing to help promote his baskets. Ari's parents' entrepreneurial background and his multilingual environment have influenced his business. He aims to create affordable pet baskets, expand his customer base through a professional website, and implement a subscription-based model for passive income. Additionally, he is exploring shipping options through Amazon and a CRM system for managing subscriptions. Overcoming fear and seeking financial support are highlighted as common challenges in business, with the potential for beneficial rewards. Kristin Morrison encourages listeners to apply for coaching and shares her excitement about working with Ari, the youngest business owner she has coached.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Going Deeper: Friendship

Making time for friendships is crucial for a balanced and fulfilling life, challenging limiting beliefs about making friends as an adult is important. Being intentional about creating space in schedules for friendships is essential, as connecting with others helps combat loneliness and fosters a sense of fulfillment. The analogy of friendship being like exercise emphasizes the need for regular and intentional effort in nurturing relationships. Overcoming limiting beliefs and prioritizing friendships can lead to a more fulfilling life. Admitting the need for connection and being intentional about nurturing friendships can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life. It's important to make room in schedules for relationships and be open to allowing people into our lives. The more intentional we are about friendships, the more connected we feel to ourselves. Admitting the need for connection and being open to it can lead to a more fulfilling life. It's crucial to acknowledge that what we seek in relationships is also seeking us, and being open to it can lead to meaningful connections.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Going Deeper: Fun

Kristin Morrison emphasizes the importance of self-love and prioritizing fun and joy in daily life, highlighting the need to balance achievement and productivity with nurturing personal relationships. Setting intentions and taking small incremental steps are crucial for creating change and transformation. Noticing and appreciating small things that bring joy, unlocking somatic tension, and bringing the body into the conversation are essential for accessing joy. Prioritizing personal life and including fun goals are emphasized to avoid a resentful and unfulfilling existence. It's never too late to find joy and begin to love ourselves by noticing self-criticism. Strategies for implementing a consistent practice of relaxation and building processes for fun and consistency are discussed. Kristin encourages exploring and creating new fun activities and experiences to cultivate joy. Society's focus on achievement and productivity can be addictive, but nurturing personal relationships is equally crucial. Bringing the body into the conversation is important for accessing joy in its many forms, and noticing when stuck in one's head is key to fully experiencing and appreciating moments of joy.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Going Deeper: Limiting Beliefs

Kristin Morrison, a holistic business and life coach, emphasizes the power of word-of-mouth marketing and challenging negative beliefs for personal and business growth. She offers free coaching opportunities, workshops, and a 28-day bootcamp for women. Through her podcast, 'Business Pathfinder,' she shares unfiltered coaching sessions, addressing business and life challenges. Morrison advocates for maintaining work-life balance, especially for moms in business, and encourages self-reflection to address limiting beliefs. She highlights the importance of embracing a new identity and authenticity, particularly for mothers. Additionally, Morrison leverages her own experiences to coach others and offers resources for personal development, including a free goal-setting workbook. She also conducts mid-year goal setting workshops and social media workshops, focusing on personal growth and business development. Overall, her approach combines intuition and practicality to guide individuals in their personal and professional journeys.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

Introducing: Business Pathfinder

Kristin Morrison operates multiple businesses in New York City, including house cleaning, real estate, pet sitting, and prop styling. Despite experiencing depression and anxiety, common in her line of work, she provides coaching to clients to help them manage their businesses effectively. Emotions like anger are often rooted in underlying feelings of fear and sadness. Morrison has been running a house cleaning business for nearly six years and has three years of experience in real estate. She also owns a pet sitting and dog walking business, along with working as a prop stylist. She emphasizes the importance of running a business in a way that suits the individual. Clients receive coaching tailored to their needs, leading to practical insights or profound realizations. Morrison also highlights the significance of acknowledging impact, even if not reflected in social media metrics.

Podcast: business-pathfinder

VIP Coaching Day in Hawaii or California

Kristin Morrison offers full-day private coaching in Marin County, California, or on the Big Island of Hawaii, which can be combined with a vacation. Expenses for the VIP coaching day, including airfare, hotel, rental car, and some meals, can be written off. The VIP Coaching Day aims to provide professional, insightful, and nurturing support for business breakthroughs. Clients describe the experience as fun, nurturing, inspiring, and motivating. Clients are encouraged to bring questions, challenges, and business issues to the coaching day. The coaching day helps in creating a solid and clear business plan to make dreams a tangible reality.

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