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Summary of Business Pathfinder Podcast Episode: Going Deeper: Fun

Podcast: Business Pathfinder
4 min. read

— Description —

Kristin Morrison emphasizes the importance of self-love and prioritizing fun and joy in daily life, highlighting the need to balance achievement and productivity with nurturing personal relationships Setting intentions and taking small incremental steps are crucial for creating change and transformation Noticing and appreciating small things that bring joy, unlocking somatic tension, and bringing the body into the conversation are essential for accessing joy

Prioritizing personal life and including fun goals are emphasized to avoid a resentful and unfulfilling existence It's never too late to find joy and begin to love ourselves by noticing self-criticism Strategies for implementing a consistent practice of relaxation and building processes for fun and consistency are discussed

Kristin encourages exploring and creating new fun activities and experiences to cultivate joy Society's focus on achievement and productivity can be addictive, but nurturing personal relationships is equally crucial Bringing the body into the conversation is important for accessing joy in its many forms, and noticing when stuck in one's head is key to fully experiencing and appreciating moments of joy.

Going Deeper: Fun

Key Takeaways

  • Kristin Morrison emphasizes the importance of self-love and prioritizing fun and joy in daily life.
  • Society rewards achievement, wealth, and productivity, but nurturing personal relationships is equally crucial.
  • Setting intentions and small incremental steps are important for creating change and transformation in life.
  • Noticing and appreciating small things that bring joy, unlocking somatic tension, and bringing the body into the conversation are crucial for accessing joy.
  • It's important to include fun goals and prioritize personal life to avoid a resentful and unfulfilling existence.
  • It's never too late to find joy and begin to love ourselves by noticing when we are being self-critical.

Prioritize Self-Love and Joy Daily

  • Kristin Morrison emphasizes the importance of bringing self-love into daily life and noticing the first step towards prioritizing fun and joy.
  • Marianne and Kristin discuss strategies for implementing a consistent practice of relaxation and building processes for fun and consistency.
  • Kristin invites listeners to explore and remember what brings them joy, encouraging them to create new fun activities and experiences.

Adrenaline Addiction: The Type A Trap

  • I did feel like I was always on and for a while I really enjoyed that actually. Adrenaline can be really addictive.
  • For those of us that are type A naturally, we find a lot of value from getting things done, from ticking things off the to-do list, from producing and creating. All of that can really reward us with money, accolades, publicity, adrenaline. All of those things can be really addictive.
  • Many of us were groomed to go after those things.

Success is more than financial gain

  • Society rewards achievement, wealth, and productivity.
  • Success encompasses both time and financial prosperity, not just the latter.
  • Nurturing personal relationships is equally crucial as fostering business connections.
  • Kristin's decision to reduce work hours to focus on dating and personal life resulted in meeting her husband.

Unlocking Joy Through Intentional Practices

  • Setting intentions is important for creating change and transformation in life. It involves small incremental steps toward a big change.
  • To cultivate joy, start by noticing and appreciating small things that bring joy, like looking up at the sky or asking 'What's something good that happened today?'
  • For those feeling stressed, unlocking somatic tension is crucial to opening up to joy. Practices like breathwork, yoga, or dancing can help release tension and allow for a more relaxed state.
  • Bringing the body into the conversation is important for accessing joy in its many forms. It serves as the gateway to being open to joy in spirit, soul, and heart.
  • Noticing when you're stuck in your head is key to being able to fully experience and appreciate moments of joy.

Embrace Joy and Self-Love Now

  • It's important to look at, is your body tense? How can you let go in your body to be able to open up, to be able to receive joy?
  • What's something good that happened today? If you don't have a partner, ask your friend that, ask your family member, and then create the list.
  • It's a little kooky to talk about. And I think doing some of these things feel a little kooky at first, right?
  • Every year I set 10 goals. Some of those are personal goals. Some of those are business goals. It's really important for me as somebody who tends to get stuff done to include some fun goals.
  • If all I'm doing is business, that is not a fun life. And I am going to be resentful.
  • It's never too late to find our joy. Never.
  • How can we begin to love ourselves? How can we begin to really notice when we are beating up on ourselves?

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