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Summary of Business Pathfinder Podcast Episode: Ep: 50: Release the Overwhelm

Podcast: Business Pathfinder
3 min. read

— Description —

Stephanie, a busy professor and business owner, is feeling overwhelmed by adding a new passion project to her schedule She has shifted her social media focus to business accomplishments and seeks guidance on prioritizing and reducing overwhelm Kristin encourages her to assess her eagerness for the new venture and make space for it

Balancing time and financial stability requires careful planning and reevaluating current activities An invitation is extended to join the 28-day Business & Life Bootcamp for Badass Women, offering a goal-setting workshop and the opportunity to meet business owners from around the world.

Ep: 50: Release the Overwhelm

Key Takeaways

  • Stephanie has shifted her social media focus to business accomplishments
  • She is feeling overwhelmed by adding a new passion project to her busy schedule
  • Stephanie is a professor teaching architecture and design at a university
  • Kristin encourages Stephanie to prioritize and assess her eagerness for the new venture
  • Balancing time and financial stability requires careful planning and reevaluating current activities
  • An invitation is extended to join the 28-day Business & Life Bootcamp for Badass Women

Stephanie's Strategic Social Media Shift

  • Stephanie has shifted her social media usage to only posting about her business accomplishments, aiming to generate excitement among her friends, family, and followers.
  • Her main areas of focus include parenting her five-year-old son, managing her current dog walking business, and teaching at a university.
  • Stephanie is feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of adding her passion project business to her already busy schedule and is seeking guidance on how to proceed and what to prioritize in order to reduce her overwhelm.

Stephanie: From Social Media to Success

  • Stephanie has stopped spending time on social media to focus on taking actual action steps for her business.
  • Stephanie acknowledges that she has been busy and needs to make space for her new passion project.
  • Stephanie is a professor at a university, teaching architecture and design, and has been hired to create an online course for an architectural program.

Unleash Your Excitement Potential Now

  • Stephanie expresses feeling overwhelmed when writing down her responsibilities.
  • Kristin encourages Stephanie to rate her eagerness for the new venture on a scale of 1 to 10, to which Stephanie responds with an 8.
  • Kristin prompts Stephanie to provide three adjectives that describe why she is excited about the new venture, leading Stephanie to mention 'future' and the desire to not be 'stuck in one place'.

Morrison's Meaningful Thoughts and Dog Troubles

  • Kristin Morrison expresses her thoughts on freedom and meaningfulness, and also mentions her dog chewing on a duck toy.
  • Stephanie describes the current business as refreshing, positive, and fun, but also feels there is a 'but' to it.

Take control of your time

  • As a professional, we have the autonomy to decide whether to accept or decline the requests of our clients, which gives us a sense of control over our workload.
  • It's important to reassess our current commitments and consider making adjustments to accommodate new priorities without burning out.
  • Balancing the need for additional time and financial stability requires careful planning and possibly reevaluating our current activities.

Get Ready to Set Goals

  • The goal setting workshop will be interactive.
  • You'll have the opportunity to meet business owners from all over the world.
  • It's going to be a great opportunity to really let the ideas sink in and practice them before the January event.

Join the 28-day Bootcamp now!

  • The speaker proposes a third session and expresses a desire for the listener's willingness to participate.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of examining different facets of the listener's life and making adjustments to create space.
  • An invitation is extended to the listener to join the 28-day Business & Life Bootcamp for Badass Women.

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