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Summary of Business Pathfinder Podcast Episode: Ep. 14: Project Postpartum

Podcast: Business Pathfinder
4 min. read

— Description —

Miriam, a PhD candidate, seeks career clarity in the creative arts and mentoring Kristin advises nurturing creativity and addressing underlying emotions Embracing grief and closure is crucial for project progress

Supervisors' timing clarity is essential for finishing by year-end Coaching involves stepping back and embracing vulnerability Miriam desires to continue in the creative arts, mentorship, and education

Kristin emphasizes nurturing creativity for energy A break is needed post-project to address emotions Kristin suggests relaxation and facing fears

Closure and rest are crucial for internal struggles Clearing emotional barriers is vital for progress Supervisors' timing clarity is crucial for project completion

Letting go of preconceived ideas is essential Coaching involves stepping back and encouraging vulnerability Acknowledgment of Miriam's presence is expressed

Encouragement to share the podcast is given.

Ep. 14: Project Postpartum

Key Takeaways

  • Miriam, a PhD candidate, seeks clarity on her career direction in the creative arts and mentoring.
  • Kristin advises Miriam to nurture her creativity and take a break to address underlying emotions.
  • Embracing grief and creating closure is essential for moving forward with projects.
  • Supervisors' clarity on timing is crucial for Miriam's goal of finishing her work by the end of the year.
  • Coaching involves stepping back and encouraging clients to do the same, embracing vulnerability and willingness.

Embrace Creativity and Find Clarity

  • Miriam is finishing up a PhD and seeking clarity on where to focus her attention in terms of work in the world. She desires to continue being in the creative arts, utilize her skills and strength as a mentor and educator, have freedom, and live more abundantly.
  • Kristin acknowledges Miriam's massive growth and emphasizes the importance of nurturing her own creativity to resource the energy to help others.
  • After a big project, there's a need for a pause to gather energy and resources, and feelings that were pushed aside may come to the surface.

Take a Break and Relax

  • You may need to give yourself a little bit more of a break to come back to center.
  • You can keep trying to get started and keep spinning your wheels or you can give yourself what you need, which I believe is more time.
  • I believe will happen if you can give yourself a few days of space of relaxation.

Face Grief to Move Forward

  • Kristin suggests looking for a spa or a place in nature for relaxation and connection.
  • Kristin guides Miriam to connect with the voice of fear and sadness that is holding her back.
  • Kristin encourages Miriam to face her grief and sadness in order to move forward with the project.

Create Space for Self-Performance

  • Miriam expresses her hope to pick up the performance props on Friday or Saturday.
  • Kristin emphasizes the importance of creating a space and time for Miriam to come back to herself and perform for her own sake.
  • Kristin encourages Miriam to include elements of closure and rest in her schedule to address her internal struggles and grief.

Clear the Log Jam and Flow

  • Your work right now is to clear the log jam and the pathway in is through feeling the feelings.
  • As you're doing these things, you are pulling the logs out of the river, okay?
  • The writing that happens after this is going to blow your fricking mind.
  • Your computer has logjams and it's gonna get delogged.
  • Let's take it to the spa. It's gonna get recharged, right?

Get Clarity on Timing, Finish Strong

  • To achieve the goal of finishing by the end of the year, clarity from supervisors about timing, preferably around September, is crucial.
  • Creating closure, rest, and restoration will help in achieving the goal.
  • Being mindful of getting immersed in projects is important to ensure progress.

Embracing Vulnerability and Trust in Coaching

  • Miriam was open, vulnerable, and willing.
  • Letting go of preconceived ideas is an act of trust and willingness.
  • Coaching involves stepping back and encouraging clients to do the same.
  • Stepping into the unknown requires willingness and vulnerability.
  • Acknowledgment of Miriam's clear and connected presence is expressed.
  • Information about finding out more about Miriam and applying for coaching is provided.
  • Encouragement to share the podcast and gratitude for listening is expressed.

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