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Summary of Business Pathfinder Podcast Episode: Ep. 11: Hire the Right Employees and Independent Contractors

Podcast: Business Pathfinder
5 min. read

— Description —

Angelica, a housecleaning business owner for almost six years, aims to hire more staff to alleviate the workload for her long-time employee Trustworthiness is paramount, with qualities like honesty, admitting mistakes, and avoiding theft being crucial To find new hires, Angelica plans to leverage personal and professional networks, platforms like Craigslist and Nextdoor, and ensure compliance with labor laws

She seeks to prioritize her mental and physical health and family time while showing appreciation for her current helper Kristin advised Angelica to take immediate action in finding additional help and to express gratitude to her current employee Additionally, Angelica is open to hiring non-native English speakers and is considering learning Spanish to expand the pool of potential applicants

Overall, Angelica is focused on growing her business in a healthy manner and ensuring the well-being of her employees.

Ep. 11: Hire the Right Employees and Independent Contractors

Key Takeaways

  • Angelica started her housecleaning business almost six years ago and now wants to hire more staff to lighten the workload for her long-time employee.
  • She primarily focuses on cleaning private homes, not rentals, and is seeking to grow the business in a healthy way.
  • Trustworthiness is the most important quality in a house cleaner, including admitting mistakes, honesty, and avoiding theft.
  • Reaching out to personal and professional networks, platforms like Craigslist and Nextdoor, and considering labor laws are essential in the hiring process.
  • Angelica needs more time for her mental and physical health and to spend with her kids, and it's important to show deep appreciation for her current helper while hiring someone new.

Time to Expand and Thrive

  • Angelica started her housecleaning business almost six years ago and initially worked alone before realizing the need for help.
  • She has had the same employee for about five years and primarily focuses on cleaning private homes, not rentals.
  • Angelica is looking to step away from the business and wants to hire more staff to lighten the workload for her long-time employee.
  • She is seeking to grow the business in a way that is healthy for her current employee and everyone involved.

Protect Angelica from burnout

  • It's important to monitor Angelica's workload and prevent burnout.
  • Protecting Angelica's freedom and taking good care of her is crucial for your relationship.
  • At this pivotal point in your business, you need to decide whether to take on more work or step away.
  • The first action step is to reach out to your network and describe what you want in a house cleaner.
  • The first and most important quality you want in a house cleaner is trustworthiness.

Trustworthiness: Admit Mistakes and Be Honest

    • Admitting to mistakes and being willing to communicate with the employer about any issues at the houses being cleaned.
    • Reassuring employees that they won't face consequences for admitting mistakes, fostering a sense of security and honesty about damages or breakages.
    • Avoiding theft and not taking anything that does not belong to them.

Inexpensive Bonding Insurance Delights Clients

  • Bonding insurance is very inexpensive and clients really like it.
  • Subcategories for trustworthy include: being able to admit when they made a mistake, being honest, and not stealing.
  • Inquire about bonding insurance through your liability insurance company.
  • Reach out to your network and ask them about the qualities you're looking for in potential applicants.

Fluency in English is overrated

  • One non-crucial but nice-to-have quality could be being a native English speaker or fluent in English.
  • This is not necessarily a non-negotiable quality, especially if you have successfully worked with someone who doesn't speak fluent English.
  • Learning a little bit more about the language can expand the pool of potential applicants.

Learn Spanish to Expand Business

  • One way to practice Spanish is by listening to a language course in the car and practicing it while out and about.
  • Learning Spanish can lead to the ability to hire more people, potentially increasing earnings.
  • Reach out to your network to find a fantastic person to help with the house cleaning business, specifying the desired qualities.
  • Consider looking on Craigslist under services to find motivated house cleaners who are actively seeking work.
  • Reach out to these cleaners, expressing interest in their services and proposing a conversation to discuss potential collaboration.
  • Utilize platforms like Nextdoor to inquire about independent house cleaners who are not employed by a company.

Cast a Wide Hiring Net

  • To ensure longevity in your workforce, it's important to cast a wide hiring net, including platforms like Craigslist and Nextdoor.
  • Consider reaching out directly to individuals recommended by others, such as house cleaners who have been praised for their work.
  • Be mindful of labor laws and seek advice from an employment attorney to ensure compliance with interview questions and regulations.
  • Encourage potential candidates to place their own ads, indicating a strong desire to work, and leverage personal and professional networks for recruitment.

Prioritize Self-Care and Delegate Responsibly

  • Angelica needs more time to focus on her mental and physical health and to spend more time with her kids.
  • Kristin encouraged Angelica to take immediate action in finding another person to help with her workload and to show deep appreciation for her current helper.
  • Kristin advised Angelica to have a face-to-face conversation with her helper, express gratitude, and take her out to lunch to communicate the hiring of someone new.

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