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Summary of Business Pathfinder Podcast Episode: Ep. 2: Cultivate Authentic Online Presence

Podcast: Business Pathfinder
4 min. read

— Description —

Adam, a money coach, is advised by Kristin to approach his writing from a place of inspiration and authenticity Kristin recommends re-cultivating the practice of morning pages to explore and write about the pleasure he feels in managing money Differentiating between fear and sharing personal experiences is crucial for creative inspiration

Utilizing platforms like and Focusmate, as well as finding an accountability partner, can help in staying motivated and accountable Kristin emphasizes marketing from a place of inspiration and authenticity Adam agrees and finds it helpful

Kristin advises replacing 'marketing' with 'thoughts, feelings, experiences' for better audience connection Morning pages involve writing thoughts and feelings in the morning for mental decluttering and creativity Utilize to-do lists,, and accountability partners for progress tracking

Kristin suggests finding an accountability buddy in the outer circle, emphasizing communication and self-employment understanding.

Ep. 2: Cultivate Authentic Online Presence

Key Takeaways

  • Adam, a money coach, is advised by Kristin to approach his writing from a place of inspiration and authenticity.
  • Kristin recommends Adam to re-cultivate the practice of morning pages to explore and write about the pleasure he feels in managing his money.
  • Differentiating between fear and taking a leap in sharing personal experiences is crucial for creative inspiration.
  • Utilizing platforms like and Focusmate, as well as finding an accountability partner, can help in staying motivated and accountable in work and personal life.

Embrace Authenticity in Marketing

  • Adam is a money coach who helps people have a better relationship with their finances.
  • Kristin suggests that Adam needs to tap into the 'why' of his writing and approach it from a place of who he is, rather than what he wants.
  • Kristin emphasizes the importance of marketing from a place of inspiration and authenticity, rather than forcing oneself to write.
  • Adam agrees with Kristin's perspective and finds it helpful.

Reframe Marketing to Personal Experiences

  • Adam feels at ease managing his money and enjoys regularly checking his finances.
  • Kristin recommends Adam to re-cultivate the practice of morning pages to explore and write about the pleasure he feels in managing his money, which may lead to authentic and helpful Facebook posts.
  • Kristin advises Adam to replace the word 'marketing' with 'thoughts, feelings, experiences' to better connect with his audience on Facebook.

Embrace the Majesty of Oakland Hills

  • I had just moved into a new home in the Oakland Hills.
  • The view from the home was stunning.
  • I was looking for a place where I could feel like a king.
  • I was fully present, feeling a sense of majesty, wonder, and expanse.

Tap into your authenticity and thrive

  • For creative inspiration, tapping into thoughts, feelings, and experiences is crucial.
  • It's important to differentiate between fear and taking a leap in sharing personal experiences.
  • Finding the sweet spot between not being too personal or too public is key for honesty and authenticity.
  • Vulnerability and authenticity are essential for personal growth and creativity.

Take Control of Your Day

  • Morning pages: This involves writing down your thoughts, feelings, and ideas first thing in the morning as a form of mental decluttering and creative expression.
  • To-do list: Create a list of tasks and priorities for the day, organizing and planning your activities.
  • Use this platform to input and track your daily priorities and to-do list, ensuring accountability and progress monitoring.
  • Accountability partner: Connect with your partner, sharing your to-do list and progress updates, fostering mutual support and motivation.
  • End-of-day check-in: Reflect on your accomplishments and any incomplete tasks with your accountability partner, Sharon, and plan for the next day's activities.

Delegate and Stay Inspired

  • Reaching out to an accountability buddy helps Kristin because it's not just about her, but also for the greater good. She suggests using Focusmate for virtual co-working and setting up sessions for accountability.
  • Kristin reveals that she had a fear of being visible but overcame it by getting support and help from others.
  • Kristin emphasizes the importance of delegating tasks that take a long time or are not enjoyable to stay motivated and inspired for the things that are enjoyed.
  • Kristin advises Adam to make a list of things he enjoys in his work life to stay motivated and inspired.

Find a self-employed accountability buddy

  • The accountability buddy should be self-employed to understand the nuances of being self-employed.
  • Consider looking for an accountability buddy in your outer circle, not your inner circle.
  • Focus on finding someone who is a good fit in terms of communication and being self-employed.

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