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Summary of Business Pathfinder Podcast Episode: Ep. 56. Create an International Following

Podcast: Business Pathfinder
4 min. read

— Description —

Veronica is a soul reader and spiritual coach, specializing in intuitive readings and light language singing She aims to reach an international audience with her light language songs and workshops, offering live sessions on social media platforms and workshops on abundance and soul vision Her personal experience with light language helped her overcome depression and low self-esteem

Veronica has a soul healing business and is a singer, aspiring to share her light language songs globally She feels a strong connection to divine energy during soul readings and singing light language, and offers workshops incorporating light language and singing Veronica's desire for an international audience may stem from her family's history, and she is excited about the podcast and encourages others to apply for coaching sessions

The podcast offers coaching opportunities through a simple application process, and most challenges are a good fit for it.

Ep. 56. Create an International Following

Key Takeaways

  • Veronica is a soul reader and spiritual coach, specializing in intuitive readings and light language singing.
  • She aims to reach an international audience with her light language songs and workshops.
  • Veronica can educate people about light language through live sessions on social media platforms and workshops on abundance and soul vision.
  • Her personal experience with light language helped her overcome depression and low self-esteem.
  • She is excited about the podcast and encourages others to apply for coaching sessions.

Veronica: Soul Healer and Singer Extraordinaire

  • Veronica has a soul healing business and is a singer.
  • Veronica has a business that she used to educate people on what she does.
  • Veronica and I tease out what exactly she does, how she does it, and how she may be able to explain it to people.
  • You're going to hear me have a really impactful experience as a result of her doing some of her work on me.

Veronika: The Soul Reader Extraordinaire

  • Veronika is a soul reader and spiritual coach, specializing in intuitive readings and has a successful business with many clients.
  • She aspires to have an international audience to share her light language songs, a shamanic language that helps in relaxation and connection with oneself.
  • Veronika also teaches light language and envisions holding international light language concerts and workshops.

Veronika's Powerful Prayer Performance

    • Veronika offering to sing a prayer for the listener's highest good.
    • Veronika mentioning her mentor Jamie Price from the United States.
    • Specifically near California in Mount Shasta.

Unleash the Power of Light Language

  • Veronika feels a strong connection to the divine energy during soul readings and singing light language. Singing light language creates a universal energy exchange and connection without the need for specific explanations about past lives.
  • Veronika can educate people about light language by offering live sessions on platforms like Facebook Live or Instagram, allowing others to experience it in real time.
  • She can also share these sessions on YouTube to reach a wider audience and create a ripple effect of positive impact.

Unleash Your International Potential with Light Language

  • Veronika offers workshops on topics like abundance and soul vision, incorporating light language and singing to deepen the experience for participants.
  • Veronika's light language practice stems from her personal experience of using connection to consciousness to overcome depression and low self-esteem.
  • Veronika's desire for an international audience may be rooted in her family's history and the subconscious belief that opportunities are better abroad.
  • Exploring the origin of this desire and using light language for self-healing could lead to personal growth and potentially expand her reach internationally.

Get Coached on the Podcast Now

  • Veronica is hearing the podcast for the first time and it's very exciting.
  • She may get even more out of it than she initially thought as a participant.
  • If someone wants to be coached on the podcast, they can visit the show notes page and click the application button.
  • The application process is short and the podcast team will get in touch to schedule a session if the challenge is a good fit.
  • Most challenges are a good fit for the podcast, so people shouldn't hesitate to apply.

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