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Summary of Business Pathfinder Podcast Episode: Ep. 3: Business Owners Who Have Depression and Anxiety

Podcast: Business Pathfinder
4 min. read

— Description —

Cora, who struggles with depression and anxiety, finds therapeutic value in working with animals and employs younger individuals facing similar issues Kristin emphasizes seeking help from a medical professional for mental health challenges and acknowledges the importance of openly discussing them Hiring an admin or virtual assistant can provide support during tough times and help the business run smoothly

Gratitude is expressed for Cora's openness about her struggles, and resources are available for those dealing with depression and anxiety Kristin also acknowledges the importance of treating others with gentleness and respect, as we may not know the battles they are facing Cora's willingness to openly share her experiences is remarkable, and listeners may consider setting up support systems like an admin assistant during challenging times

Resources are available for those dealing with depression and anxiety, and Kristin is filled with gratitude for Cora's willingness to share her story and experience.

Ep. 3: Business Owners Who Have Depression and Anxiety

Key Takeaways

  • Cora struggles with depression and anxiety, impacting her and her business.
  • Cora finds therapeutic value in working with animals and employs younger individuals who are struggling with similar issues.
  • Kristin emphasizes seeking help from a medical professional for mental health challenges and acknowledges the importance of openly discussing them.
  • Hiring an admin assistant or virtual assistant can provide support during challenging times and help the business run more smoothly.
  • Gratitude is expressed for Cora's openness about her struggles, and resources are available for those dealing with depression and anxiety.

Seek Professional Help for Depression

  • Cora struggles with depression and anxiety, impacting her and her business.
  • Cora's response time to clients is quick when not experiencing depression and anxiety.
  • Kristin emphasizes the importance of seeking help from a medical professional for depression or anxiety.

Embracing Vulnerability and Empathy

  • Cora shares her background in working with dogs and the various services her business offers.
  • Cora discusses her struggles with depression and anxiety, and how her work with animals has been therapeutic for her.
  • Kristin acknowledges Cora's courage and expresses gratitude for her willingness to speak openly about her experiences.
  • Kristin emphasizes the importance of treating others with gentleness and respect, as we may not know the battles they are facing.

Embracing Struggles to Empower Others

  • Cora finds value in employing younger individuals who are struggling with issues she has experienced, viewing it as a way to give back and provide opportunities she wished she had at their age.
  • Kristin acknowledges the importance of openly discussing mental health challenges, as it allows for depth and authenticity in relationships and creates space for others to share their own struggles.
  • Cora describes 'mitzvah' as her purpose and a way to give back, stemming from her understanding gained through personal struggles, and she sees it as her mission within her local pack of people.

Hire an assistant for support

  • Life takes on a new dimension after going through difficult times, with more brightness, meaning, and joy.
  • Consider hiring an admin assistant who can help during challenging times, even if it's not a full-time role.
  • You can find someone willing to step in at random on call to assist with tasks when needed.
  • Train the assistant or a dog walker to handle scheduling and other tasks when you are in a great space.
  • Place an ad on Upwork to find a VA and create a job description based on tasks you struggle with during tough times.
  • Having support will help your business run more smoothly and calm your clients' nerves.

Prioritize Work-Life Balance and Fair Compensation

  • It's important to have someone who likes spreadsheets and understands them.
  • A 10-hour day for you might be like 5 or 6 hours for someone else.
  • Listen to your innate knowing and create a schedule for your right-hand person to avoid burnout.
  • Use a time tracking app to pay based on actual hours worked and consult an employment attorney for legal advice.

Depression and Anxiety Support Resources

  • Cora's willingness to come on and share about what she grapples with and to speak so openly and transparently about it is remarkable.
  • Listeners will probably be looking at how they can set up an admin assistant to help them during the really rough patches.
  • People like Cora who suffer from this need support during these times.
  • There are resources available for those who suffer from depression and anxiety.
  • Kristin is filled with gratitude for Cora and her willingness to share her story and experience.

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