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Summary of Business Pathfinder Podcast Episode: Ep. 23: Because You're Worth It

Podcast: Business Pathfinder
3 min. read

— Description —

Kristin Morrison advises Brianna to recognize her value and confidently set her prices She emphasizes using affirmations and vision boards to inspire action and rewire the brain Kristin guides Brianna through an affirmation exercise to ground her in the value she provides to clients

They discuss addressing Brianna's significantly higher pricing compared to competitors, considering pricing for the next six months, evaluating competitiveness, and offering 60-minute sessions based on market trends Kristin encourages a case-by-case approach for clients and considering their expertise Additionally, they assess the duration dogs can be left alone during the day.

Ep. 23: Because You're Worth It

Key Takeaways

  • Kristin encourages Brianna to internalize her value and feel confident in charging what she deserves
  • Kristin emphasizes the importance of affirmations and vision boards to inspire action and rewire the brain
  • Kristin guides Brianna through an affirmation exercise to help her feel grounded in the value she provides to her clients
  • Kristin Morrison is planning to have a discussion with Brionna regarding her pricing
  • Brionna's pricing is significantly higher than her competitors
  • Consider the pricing for the next six months and assess your feelings during this period
  • Compare your pricing with others in the industry to ensure competitiveness
  • Evaluate the possibility of offering 60-minute sessions based on market trends
  • Adopt a case-by-case approach for clients and recognize their expertise in certain matters
  • Assess the duration for which the dog can be comfortably left alone during the day

Internalize Your Value and Charge What You Deserve

  • Kristin encourages Brianna to internalize her value and feel confident in charging what she deserves.
  • Kristin emphasizes the importance of affirmations and vision boards to inspire action and rewire the brain.
  • Kristin guides Brianna through an affirmation exercise to help her feel grounded in the value she provides to her clients.

Practice Confidence at Home

  • You want to feel your feet on the ground and practice this at home.
  • It's important to practice with yourself.
  • Imagine you have a new client in front of you and say it confidently as you said it a few minutes ago to yourself and to me.
  • These are really important steps to get you pointed in the right direction in terms of your pricing.

Challenge Brionna's Expensive Pricing

  • Kristin Morrison is planning to have a discussion with Brionna regarding her pricing.
  • Brionna's pricing is significantly higher than her competitors.
  • Kristin Morrison aims to address the pricing issue with Brionna.

Reevaluate Your Pricing Strategy

  • Consider the pricing for the next six months and assess your feelings during this period.
  • Compare your pricing with others in the industry to ensure competitiveness.
  • Evaluate the possibility of offering 60-minute sessions based on market trends.
  • Adopt a case-by-case approach for clients and recognize their expertise in certain matters.
  • Assess the duration for which the dog can be comfortably left alone during the day.

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