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Summary of Business Pathfinder Podcast Episode: Ep. 8: Analysis Paralysis

Podcast: Business Pathfinder
5 min. read

— Description —

Corinne, the owner of Little Love Jar, seeks assistance in marketing and delegating tasks to reduce her workload The business involves celebrating people with love-filled jars Kristin Morrison suggests leveraging Instagram and emotional content to expand the audience

Corinne aims to boost sales, introduce new products, and increase brand awareness Kristin offers to connect Corinne with a PR person for potential exposure on Oprah's show Delegating tasks, social media consistency, and learning from others are highlighted for business success

Corinne is immersed in day-to-day tasks, hindering powerful marketing actions The Little Love Jar involves purchasing a jar, inviting loved ones, and collecting messages to fill it with praise and memories Kristin emphasizes the impact of the product and suggests featuring it on Oprah's show

Delegating tasks, social media consistency, and seeking an outside perspective are encouraged for business growth.

Ep. 8: Analysis Paralysis

Key Takeaways

  • Corinne, the owner of Little Love Jar, needs help in marketing and delegating tasks to alleviate her workload.
  • The business involves celebrating people with the gift of pure love, wrapped up and delivered in a jar filled with messages and memories.
  • Kristin Morrison found the Little Love Jar compelling and suggested leveraging Instagram and emotional content to reach a larger audience.
  • Corinne aims to spread the word about her business, increase sales, and introduce new products, with current customer acquisition channels including Facebook and social media ads.
  • Kristin offered to connect Corinne with a PR person for potential exposure on Oprah's show and emphasized the value of an outside perspective for business owners.
  • Delegating tasks, consistency in social media posting, and learning from others are highlighted as beneficial for business success.

Corinne's Business Needs Immediate Transformation

  • Kristin Morrison reached out to offer help to Corinne, a boots-on-the-ground business owner, who needs assistance in making her product-based business more successful.
  • Corinne is immersed in day-to-day tasks, preventing her from focusing on powerful marketing actions to generate results and create more visibility for her products.
  • Corinne feels paralyzed to take action and really needs to delegate and hire to alleviate the workload.

Celebrate with Little Love Jar

  • Corrin's business, Little Love Jar, is a way to celebrate people with the gift of pure love, wrapped up and delivered to your doorstep.
  • The product involves purchasing the jar, sending invitations to everyone that loves the person being celebrated, and collecting messages to print and stuff the jar full of praise and memories.
  • Kristin found the Little Love Jar compelling and decided to celebrate her cousin's birthday with it. She reached out to her cousin's Facebook friends for messages and received positive responses.
  • Corrin and Kristin discuss the impact of the Little Love Jar, emphasizing that people want to celebrate others and appreciate the opportunity to do so.
  • Kristin compliments Corrin's website, mentioning that it effectively communicates the business's message and offerings. Corrin attributes this to following the story brand.

Leverage Instagram for larger audience

  • Corrin's goals for the next year include spreading the word about her business, increasing sales, and introducing new products.
  • Current customer acquisition channels for Corrin's business include Facebook, social media ads, and the built-in customer base from jar contributions.
  • Kristin suggests leveraging Instagram to reach a larger audience and creating emotional content, such as videos of people receiving the jars, to fuel interest and engagement.

Demand Full Video Usage Permission

  • You want to have a contract that gives you full permission to use this video, both from the person who's taking the video as well as the recipient of the love jar.
  • It's an opportunity for both the people that are taking that video course you need permission and you want to have a contract for this.
  • It's an opportunity for me to be of service, to spread more love. Even if nobody sends me videos, I'm spreading the love.

Leverage Social Media for Impact

  • Corrin emphasizes the impact of sharing experiences and the positivity it brings to people. Kristin suggests the potential of featuring the product on Oprah's show and offers to connect Corrin with a PR person who has experience in this.
  • Corrin acknowledges the importance of social media presence and the uplifting effect it has on people, especially during challenging times. Kristin highlights the value of an outside perspective in offering new insights and perspectives for business owners.
  • Kristin mentions the difficulty business owners face in asking for help and the diverse strengths required in running a business.

Delegate and Get Results Now

  • Getting a virtual assistant can help with posting content on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, which can have a ripple effect on sales and morale as a business owner.
  • Delegating tasks when feeling stuck or lacking momentum is encouraged, and consistency in social media posting can make a significant difference.
  • Blocking out time to create content and either hiring someone to post it or using a content calendar is important for reaching more people and supporting the product.
  • Following through on commitments, trusting one's instincts, and learning from others can be beneficial in normalizing challenges and creating a positive impact.

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