Chocolate has been used by human beings for thousands of years and has been considered a gift from the gods by the Mayans and worth more than gold by the Aztecs.
Despite our long relationship with chocolate, there is still disagreement about its effects on health and mood.
Tim Spector, a top scientist, and Spencer Hyman, a chocolate expert, join the discussion to debunk myths about chocolate.
Chocolate contains a small trace element of theobromine, making it false that chocolate is high in caffeine.
Dark chocolate being healthier than milk chocolate depends on the type of milk chocolate and the presence of added sugar.
Chocolate is not bad for the heart unless it contains lots of sugar.
There is a small study showing that chocolate may cause headaches for some people due to a component called PEA, but it's generally disproven.
Placebo controlled studies have shown no difference in provoking migraines in people sensitive to chocolate, disproving the myth that chocolate causes migraines.
It's good to have a balanced diet and not eat unlimited amounts of dark chocolate, as variety is important.
Chocolate is full of nutrients and polyphenols that gut bacteria love, especially in high-quality chocolate.
Fermentation of chocolate by microbes in hot tropical areas breaks down the plant into chemicals and retains protective polyphenols, which act as rocket fuel for gut microbes.
The process of making chocolate is very complex and involves the interaction between microbes and cocoa, resulting in the production of complex chemicals and flavors.
Mass-produced chocolates contain extra chemicals, sweeteners, and emulsifiers that are bad for gut microbes and counteract any potential benefits.
Most chocolates sold in supermarkets are mass-processed and contain a low percentage of actual chocolate, making them unhealthy.
Milk chocolates have a low cocoa content, often below the required standards, while dark chocolates with over 70% cocoa content are generally considered healthier due to higher fiber and polyphenol content.
Personalized responses to chocolate consumption vary, with dark chocolate generally being a better option than milk chocolate for health reasons.
Tasting chocolate involves snapping it to check if it's properly tempered, then allowing it to melt in the mouth to release flavors and aromas.
Professor Tim Spector emphasizes the importance of savoring good chocolate and having multiple varieties to experience different flavors.
Craft chocolate uses sugar to enhance flavors, unlike mass-produced chocolate where sugar is the main delight.
Professor Tim Spector advises looking at the ingredients, origin of beans, and place of production when buying chocolate.
The process of turning cocoa seeds into chocolate involves fermentation, drying, roasting, and other steps that significantly impact the flavor.
Craft chocolate focuses on preserving flavors, while mass-produced chocolate prioritizes efficiency and adds various additives.
The addition of sugar to chocolate is not necessarily bad, but it's important to consider the balance and quality of the chocolate.
The amount of sugar in a 60 or 70 gram bar of chocolate, which is 70 or 80%, is one or two teaspoons. You're never going to eat a full chocolate bar in one sitting. If you savour it and appreciate the flavour, you don't need to.
Milk chocolate bars over 40% cacao have less added sugar than a dark chocolate bar of 70 or 80%. The more flavor the chocolate naturally has, the less processing it will have had.
Fruit and nut milk chocolate tends to be made with very commercial milk chocolates of low cocoa quality and amount, so it's mainly sugar. Quality, not quantity, is what people should be aiming at. 20 to 25 grams a day, which is a quarter of a bar, is recommended.
Spencer Hyman explains that lecithin in chocolate is an indicator of cutting corners in the manufacturing process. It may also have potential harmful effects on gut microbes.
Professor Tim Spector advises to look for sunflower lecithin in chocolate and warns against the use of PGPR. He also discusses the impact of chocolate consumption before bed, highlighting theobromine's stimulating effect and the importance of timing for consuming chocolate.
Spencer Hyman suggests having chocolate after a meal or before a meal, and not just before sleep, to allow the gut to rest and enjoy the chocolate during its eating time.