Jesse N. Chiaospe's experience with a continuous blood sugar monitor led her to realize the impact of food on blood sugar levels and its connection to her mental health.
Blood sugar levels are impacted by the food we eat and play a significant role in disease, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and inflammation.
Maintaining a balanced blood sugar level is crucial, as excessive peaks and dips can lead to various symptoms and long-term health issues.
While it's important to manage blood sugar levels, aiming for a completely flat line may not be the best approach, as it can lead to unhealthy dietary choices.
Postmenopausal women experience changes in blood sugar responses, leading to increased cravings and worsened symptoms, which can be influenced by dietary choices.
Dr. Sarah Berry emphasizes that the numbers were crunched yesterday, providing a real preview.
Jonathan Wolff acknowledges the VIP treatment and Dr. Sarah Berry's excitement about the topic.
Dr. Sarah Berry expresses that scientists are not cautious when discussing something as exciting as this.
Dr. Sarah Berry emphasizes the importance of personalized nutrition and the significant variability in individuals' blood glucose responses to identical meals.
Jessie Inchauspe discusses the impact of food ordering on reducing glucose spikes, suggesting to eat vegetables first, proteins and fats second, and starches and sugars last during a meal.
Jessie also highlights the effectiveness of consuming vinegar before a meal in curbing glucose spikes, attributing it to acetic acid's impact on slowing down starch breakdown and encouraging glucose uptake by muscles.
Dr. Sarah Berry and Jessie Inchauspe address concerns about the side effects of consuming vinegar, recommending dilution in water and cautioning against excessive consumption.
If you want to reduce glucose spikes in your body, reduce the quantity of starchy and sweet foods in your diet such as bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, desserts, sugar, fruit juices, and fruit products.
Switching from eating sweet and starchy foods to eating savory foods based around protein at breakfast can have a huge impact on controlling glucose dips and spikes for the rest of the day.
Eating carbs earlier in the day may not outweigh the benefits of having a savory breakfast, and it's better to have sweet foods like a cookie as dessert after lunch or dinner.
Jessie suggests a simple hack of using muscles for 10 minutes after meals to help soak up glucose from the bloodstream and reduce its accumulation.
Dr. Sarah Berry discusses the impact of adding fat and protein to meals, which leads to a significantly lower increase in blood glucose levels.
Jessie emphasizes the importance of combining starchy or sweet foods with protein, fat, or fiber to slow down the release of glucose into the bloodstream.
Jonathan highlights the negative effects of big blood sugar spikes and the importance of personalization in managing blood sugar levels.
Key hacks discussed include using muscles for 10 minutes after eating, adding high-quality fat and protein to meals, and making breakfast choices that can impact total blood sugar through the day.
Jessie advises Gemma to address the root cause of sugar cravings by balancing glucose levels using the discussed hacks, which can naturally reduce cravings and change the relationship with sugar.
Dr. Sarah Berry and Jonathan Wolff discuss the importance of personalized nutrition and the world's largest nutrition science study.
They encourage listeners to subscribe, leave reviews, and send in questions for future episodes.
They also promote ZOE's at-home test and offer a 10% discount on personalized nutrition programs.