About half the adult population in the UK and the US have high cholesterol, with many being unaware of it. Statins are widely prescribed, but there are other ways to reduce blood cholesterol levels, such as through diet.
High cholesterol causes 4.4 million deaths annually, making up 7% of all deaths, and nearly 94 million American adults have high blood cholesterol levels.
Cholesterol is produced in the liver and is essential for various bodily functions. Dietary cholesterol, from the foods we eat, is not very important for affecting blood cholesterol levels for most people.
LDL cholesterol is considered bad as it transports cholesterol around the body, while HDL cholesterol is good as it returns cholesterol to the liver for removal.
The ratio of good to bad cholesterol, particularly the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL), is crucial for general health and can contribute to conditions like hardening of the arteries and heart disease.
Reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing good cholesterol (HDL) is important for overall health, and diet can play a significant role in achieving this through the portfolio diet.
The portfolio diet has shown to reduce cholesterol by 30%, similar to the reduction seen with statins.
The Mediterranean diet is a sustainable option for reducing cholesterol, allowing enjoyment of food without strict restrictions.
Consuming healthy fats and oils can improve blood cholesterol levels, while saturated fats found in red meats and processed foods can raise cholesterol.
Dietary changes can lead to quick and sustained improvements in blood cholesterol levels, with noticeable changes in as little as 10-14 days.
Individual responses to high-fat meals vary greatly, influenced by genetics, gut microbiome, age, sex, and weight.
Triglycerides are equally important as cholesterol in health, and diet plays a significant role in changing triglyceride levels.
Avoiding a low-fat diet and focusing on healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil is crucial for overall health.