Our journey involves blue poo. It will show you how your marriage might affect your gut health, why heartburn medications might not be a good option, and provide a comforting reminder that you have the power to make change.
The trillions of bacteria that live inside our guts make up what's called a microbiome. It's something we've learned about only recently. Like for instance, did you know that in just a few weeks, you could alter your microbiome through what you eat?
Most bacteria are good. Every single person throughout human history has had a gut microbiome. Gut microbiome affects health in an extremely powerful way. Gut bacteria are intertwined with our mood. You can change your gut microbiome with food. Scientists started to observe and understand the gut microbiome only in the last 20 years. We're beginning to see how we might be able to manipulate the microbiome for applications in medicine.
Studies showed that you could transfer a body habitus through the microbiome in mice. Gut microbiome can impact metabolism and weight. Gut microbiome is affected by what we eat. Changes in microbiome can be seen within a few days by changing diet.
Increase consumption of plant food in the diet. We need more variety in our diet. Increasing fermented food consumption can increase gut microbiome diversity and reduce inflammation.
Factors other than food also affect the microbiome. These include sleep, exercise, time spent outdoors, and having pets at home.
Research shows that we share more microbes with our spouse than with our siblings, and partners who feel emotionally connected share more microbes than those who feel distant.
Stress can disturb the gut microbiome, leading to digestive symptoms like diarrhea, cramping, and bloating. The gut is connected to our mood.
Intermittent fasting leads to a shift in gut bacteria, with different bacteria appearing when fasting. Ackermansia munisphilia feeds off the mucus layer of the gut when food-loving microbes disappear.
Tim Spector emphasizes the constant repair processes of our bodies, shedding light on the importance of giving night-time microbes a chance to work.
Jonathan Wolff explains the significance of fasting to allow the night-time bug crew to clean up, highlighting the potential benefits of intermittent fasting.
Discussion shifts to common gut issues like heartburn, with Will Bulsiewicz explaining the causes and effects of acid reflux.
The most commonly used medicines for heartburn are proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole, lansoprazole, or pantoprazole, which work by blocking stomach acid secretion.
Reducing stomach acid with these medications can alter the balance of bacteria, increase the risk for infections, and affect nutrient absorption.
Lifestyle choices and certain foods like spicy, acidic, fatty, and sweet treats can provoke acid reflux, so it's worth considering other ways to tackle heartburn.
The four main causes of bloating are swallowed air, constipation, struggling gut microbiome, and food choices. Constipation is often the leading cause of gas and bloating.
Eliminating non-fermented dairy and artificial sweeteners can help alleviate chronic gas and bloating.
Constipation is not just having fewer than three bowel movements per week; it can manifest in various forms, and almost 100% of people who are constipated will experience gas and bloating.
Symptoms of constipation include distended belly, nausea, loss of appetite, crampy abdominal pain, and fatigue.
Diagnosing constipation involves proving that the person is retaining stool and backing up, typically through imaging tests like x-ray, CAT scan, or SITS marker study.
There are non-pill treatment options for constipation when the signs are first noticed.
It's important to start with diet and lifestyle first when treating constipation. Increasing intake of whole plant foods and reducing ultra processed food intake can lead to a more microbiome friendly diet and improve bowel movements.
The ZOE program, developed to improve gut health, has led to unintended benefits such as reduction in constipation. Enhancing the quality of diet and gut health can lead to better bowel movements and improved digestive health.
Chronic symptoms occurring weekly or more, such as gas, bloating, constipation, sleep issues, skin changes, sugar cravings, or unexplained mood disorders, may indicate an unhealthy gut.
Will Bulsiewicz emphasizes the importance of bowel movements as a vital sign and a window into digestive health.
He looks at rhythm and frequency of bowel movements, and emphasizes the importance of feeling good and relaxed after a healthy evacuation.
Gut transit time, measured by the time it takes for food to travel from mouth to the other end, is correlated with characteristics within the microbiome and can be a better measure of gut health.
Cutting back on highly processed foods can lead to improvement in gut health, including better bowel movements and reduced risk of chronic medical conditions.
Making small changes in diet and lifestyle can yield massive results in terms of health, empowering individuals to take control of their well-being.
ZOE's personalized nutrition program offers guidance and support to help individuals improve gut health and reduce the risk of long-term disease.