May raised her rates, overcoming fear and resistance.
May wants to explore and move beyond negative beliefs about making money.
May courageously looks at her early life and the unconscious beliefs about money she took on from her parents.
The coaching session is an opportunity for May to choose what she wants to keep or let go of in terms of her childhood beliefs about money.
Insights from the last session: It's important to check in and reflect on any 'ahas' or insights gained from the previous session.
Bonus dogs are appreciated, with the caveat that they don't disrupt the session.
If a bonus dog does join in, it's considered as part of the intended experience.
May committed to raising her prices in January, as stated in her email newsletter.
May reflected on the idea of needing a coaching qualification to feel more confident, linking it to her sense of legitimacy.
May expressed her struggle with feeling legitimate enough to promote herself and her fear of not being able to help everyone.
May discussed her pattern of needing a qualification to feel competent and her subconscious process of working through ideas before taking action.
May shared her thoughts on justifying raising prices by investing more money and the tension between her two different business focuses.
May expressed her belief that her value and worth to people who are struggling comes from her own struggles, showing them it's possible to live a rich life.
May received a nasty comment on her business Facebook page, but people stood up for her, showing support. May had a learning moment that will serve her clients in a beautiful way down the road.
Trolls can be damaging with their comments, lacking empathy, compassion, and humanity.
May and the troll had different priorities and values, making it clear that they were not a good fit for each other.
The learning from that was really powerful.
It threw me that that would even be something people would think.
I think there's definitely a way in which I feel like I have to justify the support and the privilege that I've received.
May expresses her feelings of deservability and fairness, stating that she feels it's not fair that she has opportunities that others don't due to sheer chance.
May reflects on her parents' contrasting beliefs about money and work, highlighting her dad's relaxed attitude towards money and her mom's constant anxiety about it.
May discusses the influence of her parents' beliefs on her, particularly the idea of not calling attention to herself and not being ostentatious, which has impacted her feelings about earning too much and having too much money.
May expresses her belief that she doesn't deserve to have more and feels the need to minimize profitability. Kristin encourages May to be aware of her motivations for business decisions and to notice the underlying desires driving her actions.
May plans to implement a spending embargo for her business for a month to observe the impact on her finances and to separate personal and business spending. Kristin advises May to identify and work on beliefs related to money and work, and to flip them to create new neural pathways.
May recognizes the process of changing beliefs in a different context around food.
You have the foundation there and you'll probably be able to run with it once you start to begin to create awareness around it.
I would encourage you to do this this week, this work so that it can begin to get the ball rolling.
Sometimes incubating a dream, like incubating something before you go to sleep can be very powerful.
Having a border collie requires giving it a job to prevent it from becoming restless.
The speaker compares their brain to a border collie, indicating a need for mental stimulation.
Contrary to popular belief, greyhounds are intelligent and fast.
The speaker desires a brain that is mostly relaxed but can have bursts of high activity.
The speaker expresses reluctance towards the goal of making more money.
May expressed her reluctance to want to make more money, indicating a significant block in her mindset.
Kristin shared her personal experience of making money more easily and the need to be observant and curious about one's journey.
Kristin emphasized the impact of one's beliefs about money on their business and personal life, highlighting the importance of choosing empowering beliefs.
Kristin encouraged listeners to join the goal setting workshop and the 28-day business and life bootcamp for women.