Mercedes is a PR expert specializing in helping coaches gain publicity and teaching entrepreneurs how to use the media for revenue generation.
She acquires clients through word of mouth and networking on Facebook groups, offering one-on-one coaching and planning to expand to group coaching.
Her challenge lies in converting discovery calls into clients and locking in interested clients, which Kristin suggests addressing by keeping conversations short and powerful, focusing on the emotional aspect, and adopting a 'go-giver' approach.
Kristin also advises Mercedes to remove anything that doesn't add value, make it easy for clients, and leverage testimonials from current clients.
PR is not guaranteed. It requires hard work and serious coverage to attain.
The speaker has 15 years of experience as a journalist and has worked with many of the people being pitched to.
The speaker feels a strong connection to the world of PR due to their extensive experience and relationships within the industry.
Networking is powerful because of the close connections and the ability to create more connections.
Testimonials from clients as they gain PR and media exposure can move the needle forward.
Testimonials should address how time and energy were saved, the value seen, and the experience of working with the service and media outlets.
Publicity can bring credibility and spread the word about a person's work.
The focus should be on being of service and leaving people better off, which is more attractive than promotion.
Being generous and attracting rather than promoting can lead to an influx of clients.
While being generous is important, it's also necessary to consider the need for financial sustainability.
Offering discounts, especially when starting out, can be beneficial in attracting more clients.
Push people to make their own decisions by providing a link to a square or stripe payment platform.
Schedule a follow-up by writing it in their calendar for the second quarter, emphasizing that they are paving the way.
Offer a time-limited promotion specifically for them, providing a promo code and emphasizing its validity until midnight.
I can't guarantee that any specific outlets will take you on as a publicity measure, but I will do my best.
I think that could be a really powerful way that you're of service to is helping people once they get the publicity to help them step through their fears.
I could see a book for you, even a workbook. Like I think that could be very powerful.
I really want you to begin to explore having the calls with yourself, selling to yourself.
If I go into it wanting to look as good as I can, then my ego is there. And that doesn't end well, you know when the ego is running the conversation or the show.
If I go in fearful, they're gonna smell that.
Sometimes when buzzwords get used a lot, they can lose some of their power. So it's important if service becomes rusty and old and doesn't light you up, then you may need to come up with another word at some point for yourself to light you up.