Kristin Morrison is releasing a coaching session with Audra, who has two different coaching businesses, and she's struggling with messaging on social media for her business that helps people navigate difficult transitions.
Kristin emphasizes the importance of congruent messaging with one's deepest self to attract the right audience.
The session focuses on Audra's challenges and how her personal experiences have inspired her to help others facing similar struggles.
Audra is struggling with shifting between the messaging of her two businesses, finding it challenging to move from a familiar, comfortable message to a more vulnerable and open one.
Kristin recommends Audra to start with sharing stories of her own experiences, particularly focusing on the trauma and transition she went through, as it can offer valuable insights and inspiration to others.
Kristin advises Audra to meditate on her past experiences, particularly the time in the hospital with her daughter, and draw from those experiences to authentically connect with her clients and followers.
Audra realizes that during the traumatic time in the ICU, she was in survival mode, and her natural inclination with her ADHD diagnosis helped her function well, providing her with a new awareness.
Some may feel judged in that situation, maybe even you felt judged. The adrenal drain and crash was real, so the recovery was also a journey of transition and discovery. It's the way your brain is wired to handle situations like that.
You're in this extreme period of stress and then all of a sudden things are back to quote unquote normal. That's the essence of transformation, going through something and coming out a different person. You're able to function in ways that some who go to fight or flight aren't able to function, a very powerful skill.
To be shamed on top of that is very hard for someone going through a traumatic situation. There may be others who can really identify with that. Take a deep breath, my dear, and then when you're ready, gently open your eyes. We did that for the specific purpose of you being able to really dig deep, to be able to then share on social media.
Audra is not just adapting to her new normal and transition, she's transforming into her new normal.
Audra learned the importance of self-grace, which is different than self-love, and no longer being a victim of circumstances.
Small transitions, like getting let go from a job, can lead to big transformations and trigger grief, which is often not talked about.
Accepting what is fact now is crucial in the process of healing from trauma. Messaging should be congruent with who you are at the deepest level to attract the right audience.
Trauma meditation is a sacred practice that can help individuals move through difficult emotions. Assisting people in assimilating their new selves after trauma is an important role.
Body awareness and somatic awareness are crucial for navigating trauma. Sitting with and experiencing emotions is necessary to release and move forward from trauma.
You brought in a lot of awareness around your experience, strength and hope that I think will be able to be a guiding light for others who are listening.
Most of them say they were very worried about sounding stupid or silly or asking for help, felt so vulnerable.
Many of the businesses that I've coached on this podcast have received a lot of positive exposure for their business because these business owners are showing up so authentically and vulnerably.
There are many wins that are a result of applying to be coached on this podcast.