Kristin Morrison is excited about the upcoming 28-day Business & Life Bootcamp for Badass Women, focusing on creating work-life balance through daily habits.
The coaching session with Alex took an unexpected turn, delving into childhood experiences and their impact on her business. Alex, a software engineer turned entrepreneur, discussed her Tech Club membership and the challenges she faces in sustaining her projects.
The session revealed how childhood wounds and unmet needs continue to influence Alex's business and personal life, despite her outward self-reliance and independence. Kristin emphasized the importance of addressing childhood trauma's impact on adult life and business, offering a trigger warning for sensitive topics discussed in the session.
Kristin Morrison's boyfriend, who is German, felt a lot of guilt over what had happened at Auschwitz and Birkenau, and visiting these places brought them a sense of peace.
Alex is an IT engineer and an automations maverick, offering a small tool called Followup Franny and a membership program called Tech Club for solopreneurs.
Alex discussed the lack of women in engineering and the impact of confidence on women's career choices, highlighting the importance of self-awareness and breaking patterns.
Alex struggles with a pattern of starting well but then losing momentum. He feels excited at the beginning of a project but then experiences a decline in motivation.
He acknowledges a scarcity mentality and a sense of loneliness, which he attributes to past experiences.
Kristin suggests exploring breathwork as a way to address the emotional barriers and trauma from childhood.
Alex shares his belief in the power of the mind and mentions his recent interest in a book about breathwork.
Alex experienced a sudden and intense suicidal urge, which was different from his previous experience with depression.
He felt a deep sense of loneliness and desperation, but reaching out to a stranger on a suicide hotline provided some relief.
Speaking to a psychologist and hearing the simple reassurance that he was not alone helped him feel better and get through the night.
Kristin Morrison emphasizes the importance of addressing past trauma for inner and outer freedom.
She highlights the impact of past trauma on creating feelings of being alone and the imposter syndrome.
Morrison suggests exploring breathwork with a skilled instructor to address the stuck energy from past trauma.
Alex reflects on the significance of using her native language, Polish, and the profound impact it has on her.
Kristin highlights the connection between trauma and hyper-independence, emphasizing the development of self-trust and control as a coping mechanism.
Alex expresses her inclination towards independence, particularly in refurbishing apartments and acquiring various skills to ensure self-sufficiency.
The speaker is seeking assistance and plans to reach out to someone in the next week.
They are looking for help within the listener's large network of people.
The speaker is open to learning and seeking guidance on how to ask for help.
They are considering working with a skilled Polish breathwork practitioner for a single in-person session.
  • Alex shared an experience of feeling burned out and overwhelmed.
  • Alex described cleaning up a path at a cottage house, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
  • Kristin emphasized the need to dismantle the heavy badges of honor that weigh down the shoulders.
It forced me to realize that I couldn't do things on my own anymore. And that was a good lesson.
There is this part of you that is tired from carrying all of this.
I didn't want you to think that me moving the session meant that you didn't matter to me and that your time wasn't valued.
I hope you have a wonderful day.
I would love to have you be a part of it. There's an early bird price that is happening now.