Amy struggles with detaching from her phone and feels the need to always have one hand on the pot, which is exhausting for her.
Kristin acknowledges Amy's progress in detaching from her business and encourages her to notice her relationship with her personal phone, suggesting a morning practice to center and ground herself before engaging with work.
Kristin and Amy discuss the importance of being present with Amy's 10-week-old puppy, Walter, as a form of meditation and a way to disconnect from the phone.
The need to be able to step away and hand over the business phone without worry.
Taking a moment to appreciate the positive aspects of life such as the new puppy and the successful business.
Consciously releasing stress, strain, and worry by visualizing pushing out negative energy.
Stress lifted from your shoulders. Lighter maybe? Yeah.
A little freer? Yeah.
A knot, like a ball of worry, like a ball of stress.
To address the softball-sized knot, first focus on getting centered and calm to deal with the fear and anxiety.
Practice breathing exercises to release worry, fear, doubt, and anxiety, and visualize pushing the knot away from your belly.
Detaching from the knot is the first step towards being your true self and managing your business effectively. Use the power of imagination to visualize this process.
It can be really hard when we're in that place of doing, doing to then stop because inevitably we're gonna feel if we've been pushing feelings away.
The more doors we shut, you know, now we, you're able to really like put the worry outside of yourself. You can do that at any point.
Feeling the grief, like who wants to feel grief? No, thank you. Like, I would rather do my taxes, which is what I hate doing.
Create a gentle, loving, nurturing, and supportive morning practice that doesn't involve the phone or business.
Incorporate a coffee making ritual and turn it into a meditation.
Consciously connect with the body by focusing on breathing and feeling sensations in the pit of the stomach.
List all the effective methods used to detach from the business.
Allocate at least 15 minutes daily to keep the personal phone out of sight.
We want them to be visible for you to remind you to actually do them because you're worth it.
Carrying around the weight of worry in that baby Bjorn is exhausting.
This is a time to begin to put that worry, detach from it.
Amy explored how to detach from worry and her phone during the coaching session.
Listeners are encouraged to find relief from worry and detach from their phones.
More information about Amy and the impact of the coaching session can be found on
Listeners are invited to apply to be coached on the Business Pathfinder podcast or leave a voicemail to share their feedback.