Shira is a therapist with a thriving practice and a busy schedule, including being a mom to a daughter who needs her attention.
She has a waitlist of clients eager to work with her and wants to take her business to the next level.
She needs to delegate the creation of new items to get information out quickly and easily to her clients, while also aligning with her values and creating more income.
The course will include recorded audio modules and two video modules for visual aids.
Sheira has received good feedback for the visual presentation, which includes a kinetic component and dramatic enactment of the psyche.
Sheira prefers audio modules over all video due to the flexibility of listening while doing other activities.
Sheira plans to offer the visual part as a short video on her website for course participants.
Kristin suggests including a PDF booklet with links and further information if the course is put on Audible.
Kristin recommends transcribing the audio content to create a book, based on her experience with creating books from transcribed webinars.
In the process of recording a third version in the hope of finding the best one or splicing them together.
Considering having the narrator ask the questions in the Q&A portion if someone else is hired to narrate the book.
Hired a fairly new audio book narrator who did a fantastic job for a low amount of a thousand dollars.
Utilized a transcription program along with Dropbox to capture live energy and transmission in the spoken content.
Emphasizing the importance of infusing written words with personal energy.
When posting an ad on Upwork, it's important to specify the word count as pages and word count don't correlate. Proofreading focuses on typos, while editing involves correcting grammatical errors and adding missing words.
Start by creating an outline for the course, which should be developed from the transcribed script.
During the selection process, consider who can best articulate your message and keep you on track.
Writing a book can be distributed in many different modes like printed book, e-book, audio book, and online course.
The progression of distribution can start with the printed book, followed by the e-book, then the audio book, and finally the online course.
Hiring a professional to help with writing the book can be viewed as an expense, but it should also be considered as an income-producing activity.
The task involves reviewing existing transcripts and getting the next versions transcribed.
Three different versions of a course need to be analyzed to splice together each chapter and identify missing content.
The reviewer will select one version as a template and highlight missing content in the second and third versions.
The reviewer should work well in partnership and feel good about their working relationship.