Amy struggles with self-reflection and acknowledges the need to monitor her phone usage. She finds it challenging to delegate and let go of control in her business. Her resistance to delegating is a root issue leading to burnout.
Kristin emphasizes the importance of listening to the first coaching session before diving into the second one. She highlights the common struggle of business owners in delegating tasks and the impact it has on burnout.
Amy has struggled with learning to let go and delegate in her business over the eight years.
She feels the need to check in on the office stuff, client communication, and scheduling, even when she has someone helping part-time.
Kristin suggests exploring the deeper root of feeling the need to have her finger on everything, as it can lead to an energy drain.
Amy feels the need to have her finger on everything to prevent things from being missed, especially because the sitter she has does not give 100% focus to the business.
Amy is trying to convince a sitter who has been with her for five years to work with her full time, but it's a big risk for the sitter and puts a lot of pressure on Amy.
Amy is having difficulty hiring qualified people, but she has had success hiring sitters who were initially clients, and she plans to reach out to clients for potential office staff.
Kristin advises Amy to emphasize the thorough hiring process in her emails to clients and to seek high-quality candidates for the job.
It's being willing to go through the difficult feelings to get to the freedom.
I didn't quit my nine to five job just so I could work 14 hours a day.
You deserve that freedom, especially after eight years.
I want this sitter who's been with me for five years. Her name is Chrissy. She would be perfect for the position, for the job.
Kristin expresses concern about her daughter getting insurance, stating 'I just think that is biting off more than you can chew right now.'
Amy agrees with Kristin's concern, saying 'I agree.'
Kristin plans to have her daughter work a couple of days a week from home to make extra money while keeping her current job.
It is helpful to have a couple of people who can cover for each other when they are on vacation.
The focus should be on creating a piecemeal system for now.
Consider giving yourself a break because you desperately need one.
Consider not starting the new person off on a Monday.
Place an ad for somebody to start as a pet sitter and then move into admin, preferably somebody who loves animals but also has admin experience.
The first step for the new person is to check phone messages, check email, and respond, but maybe they are just gathering information.
It is important to put that in an email newsletter and create a list for the waitlist people.
Not taking breaks can lead to burnout for both you and your staff.
Consider taking a staycation to get a break from work.
Consider treating yourself to a pedicure for some self-care.
Bright yellow toes can be a fun and uplifting choice for nail color.
Opportunity to work with the speaker by filling out a short application.