Donna struggles to create a schedule that works for her, balancing personal life and time with family and pets. She accommodated her clients at the expense of herself, and now needs to learn how to prioritize herself, her family, and her own dogs.
Donna and Kristin both took a break from social media, positively impacting their lives, and this break may help others too.
Listeners can relate to the coaching sessions regardless of the type of business, focusing on similarities rather than differences.
You look fantastic. Look at you with your glow in your eyes.
It's so wonderful to see you too.
I'm still taking a break from social media, which is so fantastic.
I followed your lead and I did the same thing.
I notice that I reach out to the people in my life more because I'm not just like looking at them on social media, but I actually, because I'm not connected right now on social media, I want to know how they're doing.
I feel like I'm living my life more instead of worrying about taking pictures of your life.
I'm committed to bringing a lot more consciousness into, you know, social media and going in and going out.
Donna wants to make changes in her work life as she turns 60 and aims to enjoy life more.
She wants to cap her daily jobs at six to eight and avoid working evenings to spend time with her family and pets.
Kristin advises Donna to set boundaries and communicate her new schedule to clients to create her dream work life now.
Kristin advises Donna to practice saying no to clients by using different approaches: 'I want you to begin to practice saying, I'm not able to do that.'
Kristin encourages Donna to set boundaries by informing her clients about her decision to stop evening visits: 'sending an email to your clients, letting them know...'
Kristin suggests Donna to prioritize her well-being and take weekends off: 'I would be looking at at least one weekend a month where you have completely off.'
Kristin advises Donna not to promise a change in the future to avoid perpetuating guilt: 'I wouldn't do that.'
Kristin recommends Donna to consider the workload of potential staff members and gradually increase their responsibilities: 'I would start them off like two or three visits a day and then have them work their way up.'
Kristin emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and self-care: 'it's like, I'm listening to you and hearing you, and I want you to hear you too.'
Money isn't the motivator for many people, including yourself. It's important to shift the focus away from it.
Social media can serve as a tool to redirect the focus inward, away from external motivators like money.
Success should be measured by our own standards, not external ones, in order to truly be successful.
Hiring people, including a manager, was a significant step in your journey.
Autonomy and the power to make choices are in your hands, despite any feelings of being controlled.
As a Pathfinder, having a business or navigating personal and professional challenges qualifies you for the podcast.
Before each episode release, the host contacts podcast coaching clients for updates on their progress and the changes made in their business as a result of the coaching session.
In the future, there are plans for a Patreon account offering bonus update episodes and videos featuring coaching clients giving updates.