Kristin Morrison is offering a 28 day business and life bootcamp for women, focusing on creating focus, intention, and work-life balance.
Gabrielle has a massage and somatic healing practice, offering Māori healing sessions and coaching for trainees.
Kristin plans to use active imagination to help Gabrielle work through her fear of overwhelm and burnout.
Gabrielle practices Romi Romi, a traditional Māori deep pressure bodywork from New Zealand.
Romi Romi involves ancestral clearing, family lineage work, and targeting internal and external energy blocks.
Gabrielle has brought Romi Romi into the present time, combining ancient traditions with emerging practices.
Gabrielle expressed feeling the winds of change and the emergence of something new, but also having fear about losing the essence of what she does if she follows a non-traditional path.
She also mentioned feeling nervous about entering a creative space where everything is possible and finding it challenging to implement the ideas that emerge.
Kristin guided Gabrielle through a visualization exercise to connect with the part of her that is afraid of burnout and exhaustion, represented by an ogre-like figure, and then transitioned to a more playful and guiding presence, reminiscent of 'Where the Wild Things Are.'
Gabrielle is led to a lake that she had seen in a dream, and it feels quite sacred to her.
She feels that it's okay and safe to follow things, and she's not who she was 10 years ago.
Gabrielle had a dream about the lake with her new boyfriend, and they had the same dream, which is unusual.
Gabrielle feels a handover from the exhausted ogre to the wild thing, playful, and from her ex to her now partner.
Kristin suggests pondering on how to bring the playful, wild thing into the creation of new ventures.
Gabrielle resonates with the idea of creating in her natural, creative way rather than forcing herself into a linear mold.
Main Point: Not living in alignment with our true selves leads to exhaustion and the need for constant replenishment of energy.
Sub-Point: Inconsistency between actions and words leads to wearing down over time.
Sub-Point: Regenerative experience comes from living and working in alignment with our true selves.
Sub-Point: Being in alignment allows for easier energy replenishment compared to being out of alignment.
Main Point: The ability to regenerate energy exists when living and working in alignment with our true selves.
Sub-Point: Acknowledgment of clarity in decision-making despite the lack of words to express it.
Sub-Point: Recognition of the need for further exploration and understanding in the decision-making process.
This playful wild thing is at the lake, there for you, when you need or want to connect and receive guidance.
It has a lot of wisdom and rejuvenate.
It's balancing the playful and the wild, which I'd never put together before.
It feels like a grounded playful aura.
When you're ready, you can always connect with that playful, wild thing near the lake.
Now allowing the creativity that has been knocking and scratching and wanting your attention.
First I was seeing like gold jewelry, and then it was almost like an Egyptian goddess, but it's not Egyptian. It's more like Celtic-Egyptian mix.
It's not rational. It's sort of like a dream. And I would say whatever you see, trust that.
It's a woman. Okay. What does she look like?
I'm mostly seeing like her, her arms and then like, but when I focus on her face, it's like red hair and like flowers in her hair, but her arms are like, like adorned with like Egyptian jewelry.
They look like daisies, but they're not. They're like bigger than daisies.
Her arms and torso feel mature, while her shoulders feel innocent.
She feels it's safe to bring in the new and is receiving a lot of information.
There's doubt about stepping into a new path and changing completely.
She needs to explore what safe means to her.
Find a book that symbolizes the wild and playful, such as 'Where the Wild Things Are'.
Look for a figurine that represents the wild and playful creature you have in mind.
Search on Etsy for a piece of jewelry that captures the essence of the wild and playful.
Reflect and integrate the experience and images to further internalize the wild and playful theme.