Each person's workaholism may reveal something different. It's like a part of us that, if we're not paying attention, can consume us.
Businesses have their own personalities. Business as a portal into other realms, as a portal for creation.
The modality that I use with some of my coaching clients that are really struggling with some big issues in terms of their business called active imagination.
Deep listening is essential in the speaker's work, whether it's understanding clients' needs or working with coaching clients.
Clients often seek help in their business or life, and deep listening allows the speaker to understand their true needs, even if they are not explicitly stated.
The speaker believes in listening to the business or life itself, being open to new directions as per the business's calling.
The analogy of a business wanting a relationship with its owner is likened to the speaker's relationship with her dog, emphasizing the importance of listening and understanding rather than forcing or pulling.
Kristin Morrison: women who can give birth. So that creativity is a birthing process. Whether we're giving birth to kids or ideas or creativity, new ventures, we have that ability.
Julia Neumann: And even ovulation, not every egg gets fertilized.
Not every creative impulse has to come fully to life and that takes away the pressure. The idea itself could be a learning. It doesn't necessarily need to come to fruition, but it might want to and need to.
I felt connected to realms outside of this earth plane. I felt a deep connection to animals. Active imagination was transformative for me. It's much easier if I have somebody guiding me.
The act of imagination helped a compulsive workaholic client communicate with the part of herself that would not let her rest.
The root of many women not showing up fully with their impulses is the underlying belief they're not worthy, not good enough.
Business for me became a portal to another world that I could create in any way that I wanted. Instead of having profit be at the center, can service be at the center, regardless of if it's a service-based company or not?
Vulnerability can be a vehicle to connecting with our ideal clients. It's really looking at what limiting beliefs are keeping them stuck. How can they then get unstuck from those limiting beliefs and then have freedom?
Ways of being are contagious. What I'm feeling and witnessing with you is this higher state of being, this what is possible, the question and the deliciousness of how we can rise beyond what we've been before.
What may be required is to look at, what am I surrounding myself with? Food? What I'm giving to my body? What I'm doing for my mind, body, and spirit? Who am I surrounding myself with? Might I need to adjust that?
Something that has been very, very powerful for me as I go from ever-evolving states of being is doing breathwork on a regular, ongoing basis. That has been one of the primary ways for me to really move through the blockages.
Julia Newman offers something called Rage Club, which provides an opportunity to tap into your rage and the aliveness that may be found there.
To find out more about Julia and this particular episode, visit kristenmorsen.com.
You can also learn about how to work with the speaker and apply to be coached on the Business Pathfinder on the same website.